Tiffani Wood Interview
Did you have any pre-conceived ideas about the music industry before Bardot?
Tiffani Wood I got in Bardot when i was 21 so i was still all stary eyed about wanting to be just like Janet Jackson and living that amazing life of a star and being on stage infront of 1000s of people really just seeing and believing the side that most people still do, that the " celebrity life" is all glamour and an easy road to travel.
How has this changed?
Tiffani Wood I never really thought about the behind the scenes kind of stuff what id call the business side so as time went on i really started to treat my music career as a business not just a fun thing that i was lucky to be doing as a job. You have to really look at yourself as a product or a brand and have people know what that brand is otherwise people wont buy into it, that you have to be real and put in many hard yards before people even think about believing you.
How have your grown since Bardot disbanded?
Tiffani Wood A LOT . Its funny that you dont really realise what you have till its gone and when bardot stopped so suddenly i had a good year to look back and appreciate what had happened in my life. After i did that i thought about what i really wanted to do and decided singing was my everything and that i wanted to pursue it and so i started to songwrite and seek songs for my solo album not to mention that since that time ive gotten married to a wonderful man and had a beautiful baby girl Lillian.
What was your inspiration for creating your own record label?
Tiffani Wood That i was my own artist and wanted to do what i wanted. I was sick of being moulded into something and someone i wasnt and decided that that was the only way to do it. It was a really hard decision to make to leave the security of a large label and contract and to go it alone with no financial backing but my own and having to push my songs etc as a one man band. But looking back at the time it was the right decision and i was able to put myself out there for who i was. It was just unfortunate that i became pregnant as the solo album was about to be released and so i couldnt promote it but of course that turned into fourtunate as i now have the most amazing little girl in my life that makes that album look like what had happened was meant to be.
Was there a moment you contemplated throwing in the towel?
Tiffani Wood I have lots of those. But the main time was when my daughter was born. As a mum you start looking at life in a different way. You realise that to support your child you need to know where that next pay check is coming from but in the entertainmnet industry you never know and it can make it really hard. But usually just when the luck seems down something comes along and it picks you up again. A career can go in so many ways so i think its about being out there and taking good opportunities when they come as i believe that when one door closes its for a reason to make youopen another.
Who has been your biggest inspiration in the music industry?
Tiffani Wood I've come across so many different people but only a few have had a big impact on me especially on the business side and that would be Chris Moss who worked at Warners and was a judge on popstars, Jason Williamson my manager whos been on the bumpy ride with me right from the word solo, Kylie Minogue in the way that things dont happen over night and that your biggest success can come when your in your 30s and Karen Carpenter from the Carpenters it was her voice that made me want to be a singer and sound just like her in the first place.
What is the biggest challenge you have faced along the way to your musical success?
Tiffani Wood That starting out as a "known" singer on a reality show and coming from a girl band no matter how successful it all was can either work for you or against you and theres no middle road.

Do you write your own songs?
Tiffani Wood I co write my songs as i dont play an instrument so im mainly a lyric and melody writer
What's your inspiration?
Tiffani Wood Life is always the inspiration. whether it be something from my past, present or future or sometimes its come from other peoples lives and just wanting to get a message across. But it can also be as simple and fun as getting a great beat to dance too.
What music/artists do you listen to when you are not playing your own?
Tiffani Wood Its quite varied and changes all the time but through the years ive had on continuous play anything by lionel richie, the carpenters, janet jaskson and whitney in the 80s, any thing 80' funk, melissa manchester, barbera streisand, brand new heavies, live, green day, soundgarden, eurythmics and im sure heaps more
What has been your favorite part of becoming a music artist?
Tiffani Wood That you can help people through difficult times in their lives just by them playing one or your songs that they relate too and also that ive been able to write songs especially for those that mean so much to me. I wrote a song called thankyou for my parents that i gave to just them, a song called tonight for my wedding night just for my husband and a song called my little lilly for my daughter lillian
If you could collaborate with another artist, who would it be?
Tiffani Wood I'd love to collaborate with a dance act or dj just some really great funky dance music to turn up really LOUD.
Can you tell us 5 things you require for a happy healthy & enjoyable life?
Tiffani Wood Uncondictional love for and from family and friends, laughter, music, sunshine and enough mooney to be comfortable and to have the essentials with occassional treats.
What message would you like to say to your fans?
Tiffani Wood For those that have been there since bardot a massive thankyou for comming along on my musical journey and to those that have just come on board hopefully you will like what you hear and for those thinking i dont like her before even giving my music or me a chance i say go on give me a go you might even like it :)
60 Second Quiz
Full Name: Tiffani Jane Wood
Nickname(s): tiff, tiffy, tiffy wiffy,spiff and babe by my hubby,
Star Sign: scorpio/snake
Music Talent: singer and songwriter
Favorite Food: chmy husbands beef stew in winter and stone fruit in summer oh and chocolate all year round
Favorite Film: what dreams may come...you have to see it
Favorite Actor: densel washington
Pet: i have a himilayan cat called mundine
Describe yourself in 3 words: a mummy, a wife and a good friend
Best Feature: my voice
Worst Feature: way too many feckles for my liking
Hobbies/Interests: playing with my daughter,scrap booking, shopping
First Job: singing at the age of 15 in a troupe called the young stars
Are you a Pub, Bar or Club kind: where ever theres good music playing but club under 28, bar over 30 and pub when i start playing bingo
What Can You Never Leave Home Without: my clothes the older i get the more i have on
What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning: to get my daughter out of bed as usually her cries are the ones that wake me up

Acoustic Dreams Lullabies for Babies Performed by Tiffani Wood
The Sunday Telegraph wrote that Acoustic Dreams is: "a beautiful new acoustic album of lullabies and nursery rhymes"
Bed time can be one of the most challenging times of the day for a new parent. Those pre-birth fantasies of rocking your baby to sleep often collides with the reality of and over-tired, irritable baby and an even more exhausted parent, but it takes just one look at a sleeping baby to make parents understand why they embarked on the great adventure of parenthood. No matter how tough the day might have been, gazing on that angelic little face is the best feeling in the world. But getting babies to sleep is also the biggest problem many parents face.
Watch a small baby as they listen to music and youll see a myriad of emotions flicker across their faces. Thats because children have an instinctive drive to respond to musical sounds. Extensive research has shown that music plays a crucial part in the childs development - both in the womb, before birth, and in the first 18 months after the baby is born.
Music is also a wonderful way to calm and entertain young babies, who love the variety of sounds and soothing rhythms.
Acoustic Dreams - Lullabies for Babies is an acoustic collection of new lullabies with some of the classic lullabies and gentlest nursery rhymes featuring the beautiful and ethereal voice of Tiffani Wood. Tiffanis vocals evoke a calm, restful, soothing atmosphere and a magical feeling of being carried away to another world.
Most people would know Tiffani Wood from Australias all time biggest selling female group BARDOT which was formed back in 2000 through the reality TV series 'Popstars' when Tiffani was just 22 years old.
After touring around the world, number one hits, multi platinum singles and album and great success the band disbanded in 2002. After which Tiffani curved out a career starting up her own Independent record label Mud Honey records and releasing an album called 'Bite your tongue'. Just as the album was about to be released Tiffani had a wonderful surprise... she was pregnant.
During her pregnancy you may have seen her featured on the front cover of Pregnancy and Birth magazine and articles both in Cosmo Pregnancy, Womans Day and OK! Magazine. Tiffani finally gave birth in April 2007 to a little girl.
"As a new mum and from talking to other new mums i noticed one of the most challenging problems was getting our babies to sleep. We try everything some work and some dont. For me singing lullabies and or playing those to my bub worked occasionally. But i found when the guitar sound was introduced it worked and i thought if it worked for me and my bub then why not make an album to hopefully help other mums sooth their bubs too and in the end if bub doesnt fall asleep it will definitely put mum to sleep as it did to me on a few occasions" says Wood
Acoustic Dreams - Lullabies for Babies is also an ideal addition to crèches, kindergartens and childcare centres, and will make babies and small childrens rest time a joyful and relaxing experience. Acoustic Dreams - Lullabies for Babies gives both parent and baby a chance to relax, breathe and enjoy some musical magic - as well as a chance to focus on whats really important: that incredibly precious little life theyve created.
Acoustic Dreams - Lullabies for Babies is available through all major retailers.