Anthony McKeon

Anthony McKeon

Anthony McKeon

Blues, Folk and Reggae man, Anthony McKeon, brings us this Christmas a very catchy melody. However, this is more than your average Christmas song as it has the potential to change how we perceive Christmas forever.

Born on 4th October in Kilbarrick, famous for the movie 'The Commitments', Anthony grew up in North Dublin (Balldoyle), Ireland. He had a street education and from there he studied nursing in London before heading to Boston where he became a painter.

From Boston to South East Asia, at the age of 24 Anthony bought his first guitar and allowed music into his heart and now uses it as a vehicle to understand his world. After arriving in Australia 2001, Anthony came to Bondi unaware that the quicksand would get him, and he embraced the musical community and soon Anthony was to be found jamming in hostels, gardens, on the rocks, at bbqs, parties, and the likes…

During Anthony's many travels to and from the Middle East and Asia, he had the fortune to meet Ehudbanai (Israel) and Rim Banna (Palestinian) who showed him the importance of music which can bypass social and political boundaries; this, in turn, enhanced and developed Anthony's own talent and journey.

After playing a support gig at The Factory in Sydney for Damian Dempsey they developed a strong musical foundation and relationship.

Anthony is influenced by The Beatles, Bob Marley, The Specials, Bob Dylan, Damian Dempsey, The Pogues, The Wolftones, The Doors, Van Morisson, and Blues players such as Skip James, Muddy Waters, BB King, JB Lenore…

Blues, Folk and Reggae man, Anthony McKeon, brings to us this Christmas a very catchy melody. However, this is more than your average Christmas song as it has the potential to change how we perceive Christmas forever.

Soft melodies and strong, moving lyrics drive the Christmas song forward ensuring it will gain esteem within families this Christmas time. The song paired with an emotive video clip shows what the modernised Christmas and the journey that got us to our modern day festive season means to Anthony McKeon.

"The theme is centred around one of the biggest corporations on this planet, and it is my wish that they would clean up their act on an environmental level. Santa used to be green and Coca Cola changed it to Red, and this is a story about that journey," said composer Anthony McKeon.

"With regards to my reference to Jesus, I think it's about time somebody took Jesus off the cross and the symbol of sacrifice needs to change and be modernised to what is going on in the world today," concluded Anthony.

In conclusion, Coca Cola is maximising their impact on a time of seasons greeting just like the Catholic Church is maximising fear and the impact of Jesus on the cross saying that he died for our sins. In Anthony's opinion, Jesus died for his own sins.

Anthony says "we need to stop pointing the finger, the Christmas song is about Coca Cola and the Church. I don't want to demonize Coca Cola- we need them and the Church we need the change most of all. Imagine if Coca Cola could use their power to benefit the planet. They have a great infrastructure; we need to use it for the way of the good. We are doing our best to get Coca Cola to hear it."

Interview with Anthony McKeon

How did it feel to hear your song played all over the airwaves?

Anthony McKeon: I recorded this maybe a year ago in India, so it has been a year process. When I see myself on a video clip, it is kind of more, a new experience, it is slightly weird. They hid the grey hair pretty well, I have to admit!

Did you have any pre-conceived ideas about the music industry?

Anthony McKeon: I took up the guitar when I was 24 years old and I'm 33 now, the reason I started playing guitar was I don't want to be a politician but I wanted my voice to be heard. There was a musician called Damien Dempsy, he is one of the reasons I started playing music. From the age of 24 on, to my age now, I have managed to meet my hero.

Do you write your own songs? What's your inspiration?

Anthony McKeon: Yes, I am dyslexic and I don't read. I listen a lot to Radio National, so my education has been the radio, I've learnt a lot. My inspiration is there is an inherent feeling about; Bono once said when asked "You must be so happy, you are a rock star" and Bono replied "I can't be entirely happy knowing what is happening on the planet"; I follow in that. I don't want to die in peace I want to live in peace. I probably will never get there, but I'm going to try! I'm going to do what I can to inspire other people with my music.

What music/artists do you listen to when you are not playing your own?

Anthony McKeon: Bono, Damien Dempsy, Bob Marley, Bob Dylan.

What's next? Tour/Album/Single?

Anthony McKeon: I am going to release an album; the Christmas Song is the introduction. My album is called Going Home.

Was there a moment you contemplated throwing in the towel?

Anthony McKeon: Yesterday, well I had the Christmas Song launch, we couldn't get it working on YouTube- we thought it may have been the video clip. We just wondered if it was too controversial...

Do you prefer performing live or recording?

Anthony McKeon: Both!

What/who was your inspiration to go into the music industry?

Anthony McKeon: Damien Dempsy.

What is the biggest challenge you have faced along the way to your musical success?

Anthony McKeon: I have to confess - I feel like someone is pushing me. I have a little bit of self-doubt but I feel like someone is pushing me, or by something.

What's a typical day like?

Anthony McKeon: I work, I paint houses, I finish at 4pm, I am at the beginning of my story, I am the egg that has just cracked, I am ready to open. This is my first album.

What has been your favorite part of becoming a music artist?

Anthony McKeon: The collaboration with established artists. I feel like I am cleansing my soul. Martin Luther King says "take the first step; you don't have to take the whole staircase as long as you take the first step". It is an exciting time as people are unlocking the code and understanding they can be what they want to be.

If you could collaborate with another artist, who would it be?

Anthony McKeon: Damien Dempsy and I'd like to work with Bono- for obvious reasons. Hopefully Bob Dylan too.

Can you tell us 5 things required for a happy healthy & enjoyable life?

Anthony McKeon: Be true to yourself
Follow your passion
Be good to others
Open you mind
Enjoy the fresh air.

60 Second Quiz
Full Name: Anthony McKeon
Nickname(s): Anto
Favorite Food: Japanese
Favorite Film: Fight Club
Pet: No
Hobbies/Interests: Walking
Are you a Pub, Bar or Club kind: All of them
What Can You Never Leave Home Without: Hat


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