Born between: July 23rd - August 22nd
The Leo symbol is a lion and the attributes are mimicked by those born under the Leo star sign as they are proud, strong characters who are passionate leaders which unfortunately may be perceived as bossy.
The results of the recent planetary influence are coming home to roost, Leo. If everything went according to plan, you gained some insight into your ego. Buddhist wise men say that the path to spiritual fulfillment lies in knowing how to build a healthy ego while developing a part of oneself completely foreign to the ego. Are you working hard at this?
Today may be an excellent time to take a second shot at something that didn't work out the first time, Leo. Falling flat on your face can damage your confidence and self-esteem. But failure and rejection are parts of life, and they really do add character. By going back into the ring, you ensure that the character you're adding to is courageous, and through perseverance, successful.
Are you living your dreams, Leo? Are you still in touch with them? The energy from today's planetary aspects can lend strength and encouragement to this part of your life. Seize the opportunity to take hold of the things that you want most of all. Ask yourself what you want people to say about you after you're gone. Get back on track to a fulfilled life by taking steps toward your desires.
Your active side may show through today, Leo. While you can be extremely focused on brainwork, you also love to keep active and do physical work. When you have a project like cleaning your home, you can be very fast and efficient when you want to. This is a good day to get a lot accomplished. Run around doing this and that. You will probably enjoy it very much and feel very satisfied afterward.
Chances are good that you will receive a helping hand or comfort from someone many years your senior who cares about you, Leo. Don't hesitate to ask for their thoughts, ideas, and assistance. They will probably enjoy being able to do this for you and be glad that you've approached them. Be open and accept the love and support that's offered.
Leo, don't be fooled by others who aren't straight with you. If you don't know the person well, trust your instincts. You tend to care for others, so it can be easy for you to feel sorry for someone and be inclined to help. Make sure that the person you help really deserves it and is telling you the whole story. Taking this extra time can save you problems later.
Fanaticism or obsessive thinking may be something you need to look at today, Leo. Common areas for such behaviors are in the pursuit of money, power, success, and romance. There's a fine line between ambition and obsession. If you find that you think of nothing else but one fixation, it may be time to talk with someone about it. He or she may see what you don't want to see.
The urge to stay in and rearrange your furniture might hit you today, Leo. You may want to clean out the shelves in your kitchen, add some new knickknacks, or rearrange your books into specific classifications. This may be a lot of work, but it will also be a lot of fun. Get other members of the household to help and turn it into a party.
Artistic activities or those involving healing are enhanced today, Leo. Whatever you try is going to be more a part of your very being than it would be at other times. Love, art, psychic or spiritual activities - all should take on a new meaning for you at this time. This condition should last for a long time. Make the most of this energy now and your skills should continue to grow.
Something is tugging you back down to reality, Leo. Your mind has tended to be in the clouds lately, but now you need to ground your emotions and realize that you operate on a physical plane, too. Your emotions are stable for now, affording you a chance to step back and evaluate how you've been treating yourself. Make sure you give yourself the attention you deserve.
Some intense, revealing communications with a close friend or lover could reveal wonderful new things about your relationship. Perhaps you have more in common than you thought. Perhaps fears prove groundless. As a result, Leo, the two of you could grow closer and discover a new mutual sense of purpose. Enjoy the positive feelings, and have a great day together.
A visitor who needs a little sympathy could visit you today. Your friend probably wants some advice about some problems. He or she could also bring information involving new scientific or metaphysical studies that you find fascinating. This information could trigger your own insights. Write down your ideas. You will want to remember them.
Today you might need to run some errands, Leo, but they might prove difficult for a number of reasons. The errands could be personal or business related. Communication may be temporarily blocked. Messages may not be delivered or you could be playing phone tag. On days like this, you need to make a special effort to keep cool. Nothing is so important that you have to drive yourself crazy.
Emotions could be running high, Leo. Someone in your entourage may have a problem with an authority figure and political issues could come up. You're likely to feel especially powerful now, and so you might be tempted to throw your hat in the ring. It's better to stay out of anything political and channel that power and passion into your own project. That's likelier to bring positive results.
Your warm, sensitive nature is perfectly suited to today's aspects, Leo. Your emotional energy is strongly tied to your heart, and you will find that there's a longing to be close to others. Indulge in conversation with close friends and let your imagination run wild. Your creativity is especially piqued today, so start an art project or write a song that inspires or perhaps changes the world.
You're probably excited about a forthcoming journey, Leo, but you may be unclear about the arrangements. Don't let this situation persist or your trip might not work out the way you hope. Get in touch with people who know what's what and get as much information as you can. Then you will know it all before you get on that plane.
Overall, this should be a pretty good day for you, Leo, as long as you don't get overly sensitive about certain things. Your awareness is bound to be extra sharp today, so use this ability to stay alert and open to what's going on around you. Perhaps you're feeling a bit restless when it comes to matters of the heart. This is telling you to stop fidgeting and take action.
Wear the striped shirt and polka-dot pants today, Leo. The more you clash with the outside world the better. You may feel wildly out of place at first, but you will begin to see the beauty, importance, and respect you hold by standing out from the crowd. This attitude change will do you good. You may see a whole new way of living.
Opportunities to do well-paying creative work could come to your attention today, Leo, perhaps online. You will probably like it, as it may give you freedom. Whether you actually want to try it or not depends on your situation. You might want to get some chores done around the house today in order to leave free time tomorrow for whatever you want to do. Something exciting might happen.
An older person you're very fond of could visit or call and ask for your advice on practical matters. Clear and logical thinking enhances your intuition, Leo, and you might be able to put this ability to work not only for your friend but also for yourself. Your own interests will be advanced today in some way, so expect a good day.
At the moment, Leo, the planets are aligned in a way that encourages communication and the written word. Therefore, you may feel like taking the plunge and writing that book you've been thinking about for a long time. It will probably be a great success. You're very gifted when it comes to this kind of creative activity. Go for it and stop making excuses!
At the moment, there's a great deal of electricity in the air, especially in your life at home. Ignore those people who try to provoke you. Don't get involved in conflicts that could degenerate into fights. Go somewhere to be alone. Reenergize by really listening to your desires, feelings, and instincts. Why not spend the afternoon in a museum, for example?
Today you may feel a lot more energetic after a tiring past few days. When you're feeling good, everything's fine. You're feeling motivated again to get down and tackle the work that's waiting for you. If you have time to make some calls, don't be afraid to look for new prospects, because today promises some very beneficial partnerships in your professional or even spiritual life.
A lot of letters, calls, and other communications could skyrocket you into a new and unexpected space, Leo. If you've been thinking of trying your hand at writing or speaking, this is the day to work on it. All signs indicate good fortune will come your way at this time, though it might sneak up on you and leave you a bit disconcerted. Pull yourself together and go for it.
Problems in your community may result from malfunctioning machines. Be prepared, Leo. Have flashlights handy in case of a power outage, and walk instead of drive in case signals cause major traffic jams. Neighbors may be going crazy, but try to stay calm. This is a temporary situation, and not worth getting all stressed over. A good piece of advice is to spend the day reading.
Paperwork regarding money might take up a lot of your time today, Leo. This can be tedious, but it's something that can make a very positive difference to you, and therefore needs to be handled as soon as possible. Try to stay focused, and don't forget to ask for clarification when you need it. In the evening, celebrate by going out on the town with a group of friends.
Have you wanted to catch up on your reading, Leo? If so, this is definitely a good time to stay home, make yourself some tea, and curl up with a good book. If it's a novel, you will enjoy it thoroughly. If it's nonfiction, you will absorb the information quickly and retain more. If you're into writing, you might want to apply what you learn today to your own project.