Leo's Horoscopes | Female.com.au



Born between: July 23rd - August 22nd

The Leo symbol is a lion and the attributes are mimicked by those born under the Leo star sign as they are proud, strong characters who are passionate leaders which unfortunately may be perceived as bossy.

2025-02-20, Thursday
Artistic activities or those involving healing are enhanced today, Leo. Whatever you try is going to be more a part of your very being than it would be at other times. Love, art, psychic or spiritual activities - all should take on a new meaning for you at this time. This condition should last for a long time. Make the most of this energy now and your skills should continue to grow.
2024-02-20, Tuesday: Romantic Evening
The Moon cruises through Aquarius and your solar seventh house, placing the focus on partners and close associates. Attend to your nearest and dearest. Give them consideration and listen to what they have to say. If you spend time together, you will realize a few things about how loved ones or associates are feeling. Some of this may come as a surprise. Aim for a romantic evening. Romantic colors are soft rose and dark wine. Lucky numbers are 12 and 21.
2023-02-20, Monday: Romantic Evening
The Moon cruises through Aquarius and your solar seventh house, placing the focus on partners and close associates. Attend to your nearest and dearest. Give them consideration and listen to what they have to say. If you spend time together, you will realize a few things about how loved ones or associates are feeling. Some of this may come as a surprise. Aim for a romantic evening. Romantic colors are soft rose and dark wine. Lucky numbers are 12 and 21.
2022-02-20, Sunday: Romantic Evening
The Moon cruises through Aquarius and your solar seventh house, placing the focus on partners and close associates. Attend to your nearest and dearest. Give them consideration and listen to what they have to say. If you spend time together, you will realize a few things about how loved ones or associates are feeling. Some of this may come as a surprise. Aim for a romantic evening. Romantic colors are soft rose and dark wine. Lucky numbers are 12 and 21.
2021-02-20, Saturday: Romantic Evening
The Moon cruises through Aquarius and your solar seventh house, placing the focus on partners and close associates. Attend to your nearest and dearest. Give them consideration and listen to what they have to say. If you spend time together, you will realize a few things about how loved ones or associates are feeling. Some of this may come as a surprise. Aim for a romantic evening. Romantic colors are soft rose and dark wine. Lucky numbers are 12 and 21.
2020-02-20, Thursday: Romantic Evening
The Moon cruises through Aquarius and your solar seventh house, placing the focus on partners and close associates. Attend to your nearest and dearest. Give them consideration and listen to what they have to say. If you spend time together, you will realize a few things about how loved ones or associates are feeling. Some of this may come as a surprise. Aim for a romantic evening. Romantic colors are soft rose and dark wine. Lucky numbers are 12 and 21.
2019-02-20, Wednesday: Romantic Evening
The Moon cruises through Aquarius and your solar seventh house, placing the focus on partners and close associates. Attend to your nearest and dearest. Give them consideration and listen to what they have to say. If you spend time together, you will realize a few things about how loved ones or associates are feeling. Some of this may come as a surprise. Aim for a romantic evening. Romantic colors are soft rose and dark wine. Lucky numbers are 12 and 21.
2018-02-20, Tuesday: Romantic Evening
The Moon cruises through Aquarius and your solar seventh house, placing the focus on partners and close associates. Attend to your nearest and dearest. Give them consideration and listen to what they have to say. If you spend time together, you will realize a few things about how loved ones or associates are feeling. Some of this may come as a surprise. Aim for a romantic evening. Romantic colors are soft rose and dark wine. Lucky numbers are 12 and 21.
2017-02-20, Monday: Romantic Evening
The Moon cruises through Aquarius and your solar seventh house, placing the focus on partners and close associates. Attend to your nearest and dearest. Give them consideration and listen to what they have to say. If you spend time together, you will realize a few things about how loved ones or associates are feeling. Some of this may come as a surprise. Aim for a romantic evening. Romantic colors are soft rose and dark wine. Lucky numbers are 12 and 21.
2016-02-20, Saturday: Romantic Evening
The Moon cruises through Aquarius and your solar seventh house, placing the focus on partners and close associates. Attend to your nearest and dearest. Give them consideration and listen to what they have to say. If you spend time together, you will realize a few things about how loved ones or associates are feeling. Some of this may come as a surprise. Aim for a romantic evening. Romantic colors are soft rose and dark wine. Lucky numbers are 12 and 21.
2015-02-20, Friday: Romantic Evening
The Moon cruises through Aquarius and your solar seventh house, placing the focus on partners and close associates. Attend to your nearest and dearest. Give them consideration and listen to what they have to say. If you spend time together, you will realize a few things about how loved ones or associates are feeling. Some of this may come as a surprise. Aim for a romantic evening. Romantic colors are soft rose and dark wine. Lucky numbers are 12 and 21.
2014-02-20, Thursday: Romantic Evening
The Moon cruises through Aquarius and your solar seventh house, placing the focus on partners and close associates. Attend to your nearest and dearest. Give them consideration and listen to what they have to say. If you spend time together, you will realize a few things about how loved ones or associates are feeling. Some of this may come as a surprise. Aim for a romantic evening. Romantic colors are soft rose and dark wine. Lucky numbers are 12 and 21.
2012-02-20, Monday: Romantic Evening
The Moon cruises through Aquarius and your solar seventh house, placing the focus on partners and close associates. Attend to your nearest and dearest. Give them consideration and listen to what they have to say. If you spend time together, you will realize a few things about how loved ones or associates are feeling. Some of this may come as a surprise. Aim for a romantic evening. Romantic colors are soft rose and dark wine. Lucky numbers are 12 and 21.
2011-02-20, Sunday: Plenty To Do
There is plenty to do today in your own community. You may find yourself out and about more than usual this afternoon, so try to pace yourself wisely. Don't allow emotional upsets to affect your life... if you have had a fight, wait at least thirty minutes before getting behind the wheel of a car. Auspicious colours are banana yellow and lime green. Lucky numbers are 23 and 41.
2010-02-20, Saturday: What Price?
Work obligations may keep you busy today, which won't go down well with your partner. If you have to work, then bring work home; at least your family can see you aren't neglecting them on purpose. You may need to re-evaluate your current position - is it really worth it? Many Lions are more prominent now than they've ever been, but at what price? Beneficial colours are basic black and heather grey. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
2006-02-20, Monday: Restless Hearts
Emotional energies seem to be favouring others rather than you, which of course is definitely not the way you like it. What's the point of being Lord of the Jungle when the miserable monkeys are getting all the goodies? Your process of reshaping is a long one, Leo. However, you can do well in real estate and ideas can make you money, so keep a low profile and work steadily towards your goal. Ambitious colours are electric blue and rose red. Lucky numbers are 7 and 16.
2005-02-20, Sunday: Stunned
Someone's doing some radical thinking about emotional matters today, so prepare to be stunned by what they come up with. On the other hand, you may be the one who's coming up with ideas that leave everyone else speechless, in which case you'll start to wonder whether you should carry on talking or shut up. But the fact is that you don't want to shut up and you've got some important things to say, so keep talking. Auspicious colours are grey and platinum. Lucky numbers are 2 and 20.
2004-02-20, Friday: New Moon
The New Moon comes in Pisces and your solar eighth house, conjunct revolutionary Uranus which set new trends or changes regarding joint finances. There is likely to be a dramatic shift in current conditions and an opportunity may come like lightning out of the blue. Take it: you have the chance to look deep within yourself and realize something about your nature and make-up. Insightful colours are purple and gold. Lucky numbers are 5 and 21.

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