Leo's Horoscopes | Female.com.au



Born between: July 23rd - August 22nd

The Leo symbol is a lion and the attributes are mimicked by those born under the Leo star sign as they are proud, strong characters who are passionate leaders which unfortunately may be perceived as bossy.

2025-02-09, Sunday
An older person you're very fond of could visit or call and ask for your advice on practical matters. Clear and logical thinking enhances your intuition, Leo, and you might be able to put this ability to work not only for your friend but also for yourself. Your own interests will be advanced today in some way, so expect a good day.
2024-02-09, Friday: A Bit Of Mischief
Mercury the Messenger clashes with Warrior Mars, upsetting the apple cart in your solar seventh and tenth houses. Family and work obligations are a testing mix and there are likely to be harsh words: it may be that your partner is simply having a difficult day. Something could happen at the last minute to change arrangements, but don't be put out if things don't go as planned. Positive colors are chocolate and cherry. Lucky numbers are 19 and 35.
2023-02-09, Thursday: A Bit Of Mischief
Mercury the Messenger clashes with Warrior Mars, upsetting the apple cart in your solar seventh and tenth houses. Family and work obligations are a testing mix and there are likely to be harsh words: it may be that your partner is simply having a difficult day. Something could happen at the last minute to change arrangements, but don't be put out if things don't go as planned. Positive colors are chocolate and cherry. Lucky numbers are 19 and 35.
2022-02-09, Wednesday: A Bit Of Mischief
Mercury the Messenger clashes with Warrior Mars, upsetting the apple cart in your solar seventh and tenth houses. Family and work obligations are a testing mix and there are likely to be harsh words: it may be that your partner is simply having a difficult day. Something could happen at the last minute to change arrangements, but don't be put out if things don't go as planned. Positive colors are chocolate and cherry. Lucky numbers are 19 and 35.
2021-02-09, Tuesday: A Bit Of Mischief
Mercury the Messenger clashes with Warrior Mars, upsetting the apple cart in your solar seventh and tenth houses. Family and work obligations are a testing mix and there are likely to be harsh words: it may be that your partner is simply having a difficult day. Something could happen at the last minute to change arrangements, but don't be put out if things don't go as planned. Positive colors are chocolate and cherry. Lucky numbers are 19 and 35.
2020-02-09, Sunday: A Bit Of Mischief
Mercury the Messenger clashes with Warrior Mars, upsetting the apple cart in your solar seventh and tenth houses. Family and work obligations are a testing mix and there are likely to be harsh words: it may be that your partner is simply having a difficult day. Something could happen at the last minute to change arrangements, but don't be put out if things don't go as planned. Positive colors are chocolate and cherry. Lucky numbers are 19 and 35.
2019-02-09, Saturday: A Bit Of Mischief
Mercury the Messenger clashes with Warrior Mars, upsetting the apple cart in your solar seventh and tenth houses. Family and work obligations are a testing mix and there are likely to be harsh words: it may be that your partner is simply having a difficult day. Something could happen at the last minute to change arrangements, but don't be put out if things don't go as planned. Positive colors are chocolate and cherry. Lucky numbers are 19 and 35.
2018-02-09, Friday: A Bit Of Mischief
Mercury the Messenger clashes with Warrior Mars, upsetting the apple cart in your solar seventh and tenth houses. Family and work obligations are a testing mix and there are likely to be harsh words: it may be that your partner is simply having a difficult day. Something could happen at the last minute to change arrangements, but don't be put out if things don't go as planned. Positive colors are chocolate and cherry. Lucky numbers are 19 and 35.
2017-02-09, Thursday: A Bit Of Mischief
Mercury the Messenger clashes with Warrior Mars, upsetting the apple cart in your solar seventh and tenth houses. Family and work obligations are a testing mix and there are likely to be harsh words: it may be that your partner is simply having a difficult day. Something could happen at the last minute to change arrangements, but don't be put out if things don't go as planned. Positive colors are chocolate and cherry. Lucky numbers are 19 and 35.
2016-02-09, Tuesday: A Bit Of Mischief
Mercury the Messenger clashes with Warrior Mars, upsetting the apple cart in your solar seventh and tenth houses. Family and work obligations are a testing mix and there are likely to be harsh words: it may be that your partner is simply having a difficult day. Something could happen at the last minute to change arrangements, but don't be put out if things don't go as planned. Positive colors are chocolate and cherry. Lucky numbers are 19 and 35.
2015-02-09, Monday: A Bit Of Mischief
Mercury the Messenger clashes with Warrior Mars, upsetting the apple cart in your solar seventh and tenth houses. Family and work obligations are a testing mix and there are likely to be harsh words: it may be that your partner is simply having a difficult day. Something could happen at the last minute to change arrangements, but don't be put out if things don't go as planned. Positive colors are chocolate and cherry. Lucky numbers are 19 and 35.
2014-02-09, Sunday: A Bit Of Mischief
Mercury the Messenger clashes with Warrior Mars, upsetting the apple cart in your solar seventh and tenth houses. Family and work obligations are a testing mix and there are likely to be harsh words: it may be that your partner is simply having a difficult day. Something could happen at the last minute to change arrangements, but don't be put out if things don't go as planned. Positive colors are chocolate and cherry. Lucky numbers are 19 and 35.
2012-02-09, Thursday: A Bit Of Mischief
Mercury the Messenger clashes with Warrior Mars, upsetting the apple cart in your solar seventh and tenth houses. Family and work obligations are a testing mix and there are likely to be harsh words: it may be that your partner is simply having a difficult day. Something could happen at the last minute to change arrangements, but don't be put out if things don't go as planned. Positive colors are chocolate and cherry. Lucky numbers are 19 and 35.
2011-02-09, Wednesday: Looking Up
You may be feeling hopeful about a job prospect or promotion and chances are you will be seeing improvement in your status soon. Authority figures are more likely to be generous towards you as the Moon moves through your tenth house of career and reputation, so take advantage of this opportunity. Auspicious colours are heather grey and sapphire blue. Lucky numbers are 8 and 10.
2010-02-09, Tuesday: Dutiful Lions
The mood turns serious as the changing Moon enters dutiful Capricorn and your sixth house of health and service. It's time to pay attention to your responsibilities both to yourself and to others. Be sure to drink plenty of water and eat sensibly as building stress can cause indigestion. Communication with those at a distance may be strained. It seems you are speaking different languages. Beneficial colours are cobalt blue and pure white. Lucky numbers are 2 and 8.
2008-02-09, Saturday: Investments
You might jump into an investment opportunity without thinking it through. You're better off not making a major financial decision today. If something appears too good to be true it usually is. Auspicious colours are violet and peacock green. Lucky numbers are 17 and 24.
2006-02-09, Thursday: Steady As She Goes
Just take things quietly for the moment. It's a reflective time and you'll get more benefit from looking back or within than you will from trying to push ahead or get things to happen. Someone else might be emotionally charged or upset. Help to ease their concerns. Engage in creative activity or just a bit of laziness. Stay away from the refrigerator though. You'll be inclined to indulge. Serene colours are sea green and lilac. Lucky number is 7.
2005-02-09, Wednesday: Making Amends
It's a great day for making amends in a relationship, perhaps by apologizing for something you said recently or by getting in touch with someone you haven't seen for a while. It's a case of least said, soonest mended, so don't make a big song and dance out of the situation. Instead, say what you have to and then work hard at winning back the other person's affection. Beneficial colours are coffee and shell pink. Lucky numbers are 7 and 69.
2004-02-09, Monday: A Bit Of Mischief
Mercury the Messenger clashes with Warrior Mars, upsetting the apple cart in your solar seventh and tenth houses. Family and work obligations are a testing mix and there are likely to be harsh words: it may be that your partner is simply having a difficult day. Something could happen at the last minute to change arrangements, but don't be put out if things don't go as planned. Restful colours are chocolate and cherry. Lucky numbers are 19 and 35.

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