Leo's Horoscopes | Female.com.au



Born between: July 23rd - August 22nd

The Leo symbol is a lion and the attributes are mimicked by those born under the Leo star sign as they are proud, strong characters who are passionate leaders which unfortunately may be perceived as bossy.

2025-02-12, Wednesday
Overall, this should be a pretty good day for you, Leo, as long as you don't get overly sensitive about certain things. Your awareness is bound to be extra sharp today, so use this ability to stay alert and open to what's going on around you. Perhaps you're feeling a bit restless when it comes to matters of the heart. This is telling you to stop fidgeting and take action.
2024-02-12, Monday: Step Out
Be proactive today, Leo. Do something different: go somewhere new, change your take on life a little. The Sun and Moon are in a beautiful aspect, stimulating your intellect and strengthening your personal bonds. Your part of the bargain is simple enough... just a walk down a side street you normally ignore could find you discovering a new shop or cafe, or an enthralling new face. Step out and meet life full on. Fortunate colors are golden amber and deep plum. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
2023-02-12, Sunday: Step Out
Be proactive today, Leo. Do something different: go somewhere new, change your take on life a little. The Sun and Moon are in a beautiful aspect, stimulating your intellect and strengthening your personal bonds. Your part of the bargain is simple enough... just a walk down a side street you normally ignore could find you discovering a new shop or cafe, or an enthralling new face. Step out and meet life full on. Fortunate colors are golden amber and deep plum. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
2022-02-12, Saturday: Step Out
Be proactive today, Leo. Do something different: go somewhere new, change your take on life a little. The Sun and Moon are in a beautiful aspect, stimulating your intellect and strengthening your personal bonds. Your part of the bargain is simple enough... just a walk down a side street you normally ignore could find you discovering a new shop or cafe, or an enthralling new face. Step out and meet life full on. Fortunate colors are golden amber and deep plum. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
2021-02-12, Friday: Step Out
Be proactive today, Leo. Do something different: go somewhere new, change your take on life a little. The Sun and Moon are in a beautiful aspect, stimulating your intellect and strengthening your personal bonds. Your part of the bargain is simple enough... just a walk down a side street you normally ignore could find you discovering a new shop or cafe, or an enthralling new face. Step out and meet life full on. Fortunate colors are golden amber and deep plum. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
2020-02-12, Wednesday: Step Out
Be proactive today, Leo. Do something different: go somewhere new, change your take on life a little. The Sun and Moon are in a beautiful aspect, stimulating your intellect and strengthening your personal bonds. Your part of the bargain is simple enough... just a walk down a side street you normally ignore could find you discovering a new shop or cafe, or an enthralling new face. Step out and meet life full on. Fortunate colors are golden amber and deep plum. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
2019-02-12, Tuesday: Step Out
Be proactive today, Leo. Do something different: go somewhere new, change your take on life a little. The Sun and Moon are in a beautiful aspect, stimulating your intellect and strengthening your personal bonds. Your part of the bargain is simple enough... just a walk down a side street you normally ignore could find you discovering a new shop or cafe, or an enthralling new face. Step out and meet life full on. Fortunate colors are golden amber and deep plum. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
2018-02-12, Monday: Step Out
Be proactive today, Leo. Do something different: go somewhere new, change your take on life a little. The Sun and Moon are in a beautiful aspect, stimulating your intellect and strengthening your personal bonds. Your part of the bargain is simple enough... just a walk down a side street you normally ignore could find you discovering a new shop or cafe, or an enthralling new face. Step out and meet life full on. Fortunate colors are golden amber and deep plum. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
2017-02-12, Sunday: Step Out
Be proactive today, Leo. Do something different: go somewhere new, change your take on life a little. The Sun and Moon are in a beautiful aspect, stimulating your intellect and strengthening your personal bonds. Your part of the bargain is simple enough... just a walk down a side street you normally ignore could find you discovering a new shop or cafe, or an enthralling new face. Step out and meet life full on. Fortunate colors are golden amber and deep plum. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
2016-02-12, Friday: Step Out
Be proactive today, Leo. Do something different: go somewhere new, change your take on life a little. The Sun and Moon are in a beautiful aspect, stimulating your intellect and strengthening your personal bonds. Your part of the bargain is simple enough... just a walk down a side street you normally ignore could find you discovering a new shop or cafe, or an enthralling new face. Step out and meet life full on. Fortunate colors are golden amber and deep plum. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
2015-02-12, Thursday: Step Out
Be proactive today, Leo. Do something different: go somewhere new, change your take on life a little. The Sun and Moon are in a beautiful aspect, stimulating your intellect and strengthening your personal bonds. Your part of the bargain is simple enough... just a walk down a side street you normally ignore could find you discovering a new shop or cafe, or an enthralling new face. Step out and meet life full on. Fortunate colors are golden amber and deep plum. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
2014-02-12, Wednesday: Step Out
Be proactive today, Leo. Do something different: go somewhere new, change your take on life a little. The Sun and Moon are in a beautiful aspect, stimulating your intellect and strengthening your personal bonds. Your part of the bargain is simple enough... just a walk down a side street you normally ignore could find you discovering a new shop or cafe, or an enthralling new face. Step out and meet life full on. Fortunate colors are golden amber and deep plum. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
2012-02-12, Sunday: Step Out
Be proactive today, Leo. Do something different: go somewhere new, change your take on life a little. The Sun and Moon are in a beautiful aspect, stimulating your intellect and strengthening your personal bonds. Your part of the bargain is simple enough... just a walk down a side street you normally ignore could find you discovering a new shop or cafe, or an enthralling new face. Step out and meet life full on. Fortunate colors are golden amber and deep plum. Lucky numbers are 3 and 7.
2011-02-12, Saturday: Good News
With fortunate Jupiter and the mysterious Moon harmonizing today, anything can happen. Good news is on the horizon. Even love at first sight is possible, but remember that those heady feelings usually fade with time. Those of you who have a partner should consider doing something spontaneous now. Even if you have 2.4 children and a lawn to mow, you need to do something unplanned on occasion. Advantageous colours are golden amber and ebony. Lucky numbers are 44 and 45.
2010-02-12, Friday: Easy Come
This is the perfect day to take in a movie or a show, as you'll enjoy a flight of fancy. The caring Moon and wise Mercury are blending well now, urging you to enjoy communication over the finer things in life. Solid progress can be made this evening. Advantageous colours are aqua and gold. Lucky numbers are 34 and 43.
2008-02-12, Tuesday: Financial Instinct
You are shrewd as can be today in matters of career and finances. Trust you heightened business intuition to show you the way. A brush with an authority figure will yield only positive results! Empowering colours are lilac and teal blue. Lucky numbers are 28 and 37.
2006-02-12, Sunday: Weighty Matters
One of two paths might lie open today. You will have to weigh something up and either do what should have been done a while ago or set a new course for yourself. Your own authority is important here. Do what you believe is best. There may be testing dealings emotionally but you might have to keep your true feelings to yourself. Consult with others but make your own decision and stand by it. Gracious colours are russet brown and forest green. Lucky number is 12.
2005-02-12, Saturday: Talking Things Through
If you've been thinking over yesterday's events and have realized that you need to discuss something important with you-know-who, this is a very good day to start talking. You're keen to get to grips with what's going on, yet without making heavy weather of it or assigning blame to the other person. Look on it as a fact-finding mission in which you're both free to say what you think. The conversation will probably be a lot easier than you might have imagined. Ideal colours are magenta and mauve. Lucky numbers are 23 and 37.
2004-02-12, Thursday: Intensity
The Moon moves through Scorpio, testing Warrior Mars in Taurus and Mercury and Neptune get in on the act. There's some underlying tension in the home and it may be about to erupt . It could be boredom or restlessness or it may be that something deeper is at work here. There are mixed messages or confusing signals from loved ones. Take time and care to sort things out. Gracious colours are riesling and garnet. Lucky numbers are 20 and 40.

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