Cori Yarckin

Cori Yarckin
Singer/songwriter Cori Yarckin is entertaining both teen and mature audiences across the country with her sweet seduction and contemporary sound. She has written with such great songwriters as Trey Bruce, Randy Cantor, Jodi Marr, Jerome Brailey, Malcolm Springer, Andrew Thomas Lane, Jan Smith, Melissa Mattey and Tony High. It didn't happen overnight. Born August 15, 1982, in Seaford, Delaware, and raised in Orlando, Florida, Cori began taking dance lessons when she was three years old. At age seven she landed her first role in a local stage production of Oliver, followed by a featured role in the King and I. She made her first television appearance the next year, dancing in the Disney Channel special, Sebastian's Caribbean Jamboree. She then spent two years with the Orlando Opera Company, with notable singing and dance performances in The Queen of Spades and Othello. In 1998, she was a featured dancer in the Univision variety show Sabado Gigante. Cori has studied with such legendary performers as Gwen Verdon, Gregory Hines, and Ann Reinking.

While appearing as Camille in the Nickelodeon series, Noah Knows Best, Cori continued to pursue her love of music and is currently writing and recording a demo. "I would love to be a recording artist, just for the simple fact that I'll have so many opportunities to perform live, which is my first love," Cori states. "It's amazing to be able to connect with people in a more personal way, by sharing intimate emotions through the music." Her focus at present is to catch the attention of a record label.

Cori is currently a junior at the University of Central Florida where she is in a sorority. Besides acting, singing, and dancing, Cori enjoys working out, gymnastics, wake boarding, bicycling, rollerblading, horseback-riding, swimming, and shopping.

The advice Cori would like to give the world, she says, is, "No matter what, always be nice to everybody. In the end, you will come out the bigger person."

Cori's single, "La Di Da," has been a big success and her new single, "Sensatronal," is already climbing the charts.

  1. How did it feel to hear your song played all over the airwaves?
    It really was an incredible feeling. My heart was kinda racing, and it was hard to believe but I totally accepted it willingly. There is such a difference listening to your song on a CD and listening to it on the radio because you know that you aren't the only one hearing it.

  2. Did you have any pre-conceived ideas about the music industry?
    I mean the only pre-conceived notions that I have are that this isn't the nicest business in the world and I need to watch my back. The more successful a person is, the more people will want to latch on to them for things that they think they can get from them. I also have the notion that nothing in this industry is easy or comes for free. There is so much hard work that goes into everything that anyone in this business does and often it can go unnoticed.

  3. Do you write your own songs? What's your inspiration?
    Yes, I write my own songs. I draw my inspiration from either experiences in my life or just the way that I am feeling at the time. I like to write songs that have meaning and that other people will be able to relate to in their own way.

  4. What music/artists do you listen to when you are not playing your own?
    I listen to all sorts of music. I'm a big rock fan and love like Aerosmith, Candle Box, and Matchbox 20, but at the same time I'll pop in some Sublime, or Mariah, or Janet Jackson. All different sorts of things.

  5. What's next? Tour/Album/Single?
    Hopefully it will go something like Tour, Single, and then Album. Everything is going great right now and I look forward to what may be in store for me if all goes well.

  6. Was there a moment you contemplated throwing in the towel?
    Yes, there have been plenty of moments when I thought about quitting. This whole business is so crazy, and very stressful. If I have a bad show or don't do well at rehearsal or something, I'll begin to doubt myself and wonder if what I am doing is really feasible and if I am personally qualified to deliver. However, I am lucky to have a strong group of people surrounding me who really believe in me and help me when I am low on confidence. I have definitely thought about these things at times, but I know that I am definitely going to stick this out. I have worked too hard and have come too far to give up now.

  7. Do you prefer performing live or recording?
    I for sure prefer performing live. There is an incredible rush you get when you are up there, the audience is screaming for you, and the lights are going, and the music banging. Everything just sort of starts to fit together and it just works. I love it!

  8. What/who was your inspiration to go into the music industry?
    I mean, I've always been on stage ever since I was a little girl. I've always known I've wanted to do something with entertainment but I don't really recall a single moment when I just knew that music was it. I remember dancing around to Madonna and Paula Abdul when I was young and thinking how cool it would be to be them. I think its always just been inside of me somewhere... it wasn't until now that I've had the outlet for it to finally come out.

  9. What is the biggest challenge you have faced along the way to your musical success?
    My biggest challenge that I have faced so far is the fight with myself. It took a long time for me to finally believe in myself and plunge myself totally into my music and my performances. There is a lyric in one of my songs that describes it.
    --- It's taken more than time/to beat the self-doubt out of my mind/my will/my desire/it keeps me strong/it fuels my fire/ can't hold me down/ cuz I've been working too damn hard to give up/ now you're gonna see/ I can't stop/ I won't stop---

  10. What's a typical day like?
    Well it really depends on the day. Sometimes I am so busy I think I might explode, but at the same time, when I have down time, I don't know what to do with myself. I am also in school, so when I am home I work out, do homework, go to rehearsal, vocal lessons, sorority meetings, go out, the like. When I am working a day can be crazy. Maybe some radio, and then off to sound check for a performance. I spend a lot of time traveling to different shows depending. My life really just varies right now, but I try to keep it interesting... so its pretty fun! I like it.

  11. What has been your favorite part of becoming a music artist?
    Well besides the actual performing part, which is such a thrill, I get to travel all over and meet a lot of really cool people.

  12. If you could collaborate with another artist, who would it be?
    Umm.. well there are a bunch of producers and writers who I'd love to work with, but as artists goes... hmm... Janet Jackson is like my idol, I'd love to do something with her, or maybe Steven Tyler because his music is so great and I think that would be a really cool combination.

  13. Are you single? What do you look for in a partner?
    Yes, living the single life. I find myself attracted to people who make me laugh, treat me right, and are a good people who I can trust... oh yea, it doesn't hurt if they are cute too! :)

  14. Do you have a website fans can visit?

  15. Can you tell us 5 things required for a happy healthy &enjoyable life?
    Love, Health, Family, Food, Spirituality (Believing in something)

  16. What message would you like to say to your fans?
    To my fans… Thanks so much for being there for me. I really can't do this without all of you guys and the support that you give me makes it all worth while. Without fans, I'm just a girl singing songs for an empty room. So thanks for giving me someone and something to sing for! :) I love you guys!

60 Second Quiz
  • Full Name: Cori Ann Yarckin
  • Nickname(s): Yarckin, Cor
  • Star Sign: Leo
  • Favorite Food: TCBY, Peppermint Patties
  • Favorite Film: Don't know, "Shrek"? "Spaceballs"?
  • Favorite Actor: Brad Pitt
  • Pet: Two pomeranians, Sammy and Coco, Two cats Gandolf and Peacey
  • Describe yourself in 3 words: Ambitious, Kind, Funny
  • Best Feature: My butt
  • Worst Feature: My ears stick out
  • Person You Would Most Like to Meet: Janet, for sure
  • Hobbies/Interests: Working out, friends, watching "Friends", Movies, going out, Acting
  • First Job: Performing has always been my job. My friend's dad is a dentist and I filed for him one day, but that was really it.
  • Are you a Pub, Bar or Club kind: I'm a club kind (whatever that means)
  • What Can You Never Leave Home Without: Myself! No.. my cell phone.
  • What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning: I should go brush my teeth.

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