What Nationality is your Caffeine Soulmate?

What Nationality is your Caffeine Soulmate?

How do other cultures enjoy their caffeine?

Coffee culture is huge in Australia. With nearly half the population (43%) consuming the world-renowned drink, we take our caffeine very seriously. But how do other cultures enjoy their caffeine? Babbel, the shortest path to learning a new language, travelled the world to learn how other countries take their coffee or tea, so read on to find out which country is your caffeine soulmate.

I need a caffeine infusion, STAT!

For you, a coffee isn't something you need to linger over and leisurely sip. It's your life force, and you think of it as more of a right than a luxury. Your pausa caffé (coffee break) is straight-up, no frills, and as quick as possible. You belong in an Italian coffee bar, where espresso shots are whipped up in under a minute and consumed standing up, all in one go. Italy also shares your point of view that coffee is an essential resource " municipalities across the country are responsible for setting a maximum price for espresso.

Whether it's over a cup of coffee or tea, I like to take my time to relax. Oh, and don't forget the pastry, please.

Getting your daily dose of caffeine is important to you, but what's equally important is the break that goes along with it. You're not a 'grab it and go" type of person. You take this time seriously, whether you're home, at the office, or out and about.

Your ritual is aligned with Sweden's idea of a kaffe (coffee) or tea break, which is called a fika. At its core, fika is about slowing down, and taking a moment not only to refuel but also to relax. It can be enjoyed alone, or with friends, co-workers or family members. During fika (which functions as a verb and a noun), Swedes pair coffee or tea with a baked good, usually something sweet like a cinnamon roll.

Although I love coffee, I don't need anything too fancy. But definitely keep it coming!

You love café (coffee), but you're not overly snobby about it, nor are you fiending over it. However, you do like to drink it throughout the day. It gives you a little pick-me-up and a chance to relax and be social. You will fit right in with Brazil's cafezinho culture. Cafezinho is a small cup of coffee that's usually sweetened. It's not small because it's ungenerous, but because it's strong and concentrated. Cafezinhos are served all day at coffee bars, at home, or after a meal in a restaurant.

I enjoy an iced tea on a hot day, and it should go without saying that I prefer it sweet.

If you prefer iced tea, you'll fit in perfectly in The States, as it accounts for roughly 80% of all tea consumed in the U.S. But Americans aren't the only ones who like it this way. You may be familiar with Thai iced tea, a sweet milky drink made with black tea, spices, condensed milk and sugar. And although its recipe is reported to be influenced by the sugar-obsessed Western palate, it can be found throughout Thailand, sold from street carts and coffee shops, and providing some sweet relief from the heat and humidity.

Tea is what sustains me. In fact, I'm drinking a cup right now.

For you, tea is like water or air. You're constantly brewing and drinking it throughout the day. You drink so much you barely even notice that you're doing it. You get it. And Turkey gets it, too. Tea, called çay, is consumed all day, both at home and in tea gardens. Çay is typically a strong black tea, which is grown domestically. In fact, Turkey is one of the largest producers of tea in the world, and per capita, it's the country that drinks the most of it, to the tune of nearly seven pounds per person each year.

I'll drink a coffee but I'm mostly here for the people watching.

You like coffee, but you're not sipping a single origin pour over, closing your eyes, and trying to identify all the flavour notes. You'll take a basic espresso or regular drip because to you, a coffee is simply the price of admission to an afternoon of sitting at the cafe. The cafe is your office and your hangout where you work, read, catch up with friends, or just spend the afternoon people watching. Pack your laptop bag and head to Paris, mon ami. At the traditional Parisian cafe, you won't find an elaborate coffee (café in French) menu, but you will find the perfect place to while away the afternoon and maybe even write that novel.


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