Syd Carter West The Ugly Truth Interview

Syd Carter West The Ugly Truth Interview

From hushed intimacy to audacious authority: Syd Carter West possesses an extraordinary voice. Her artistry maps a fertile musical crossroads where Southern roadhouse blues and rustic country/Americana ignite with the bravado of Seventies arena rock. Finely tuned narratives and expansive melodies match the fierce and soulful vocals of the Vancouver, British Columbia based singer-songwriter.

By age 12, Syd was following a musical path as an opera student with vocal training and music theory studies at the Royal Conservatory of Music. Conveying words that audiences may not understand in multiple languages taught her to translate drama through eye contact and body language, techniques that she now employs on stage and in videos.

She has always been a storyteller. It was this poetic imagination that illuminated her path from young opera diva to an accomplished lyricist. The songs are brought to vivid life in the studio. "One Home," inspired by the wave of activism encompassing the struggles of Black Lives Matter, the indigenous people of Canada, and the LGBTQ community, is a poignant invocation of inclusion.

A provocateur, a magnificently expressive vocalist and a deeply evocative songwriter, Syd Carter West arrives as a new artist with commanding courage and disarming authenticity. "I'm still discovering myself," she concludes "Genuine, and a little quirky -- I am an open book."

Interview with Syd Carter West

Question: How would you describe your music?

Syd Carter West: I would describe my music as Outlaw Country/Americana with a twist of 70s-inspired rock. My songs are confessions to some of my most treasured and raw moments of personal growth, that I hope can connect and inspire listeners to find that power within themselves.

Question: Can you tell us about The Ugly Truth?

Syd Carter West: "The Ugly Truth" is an anthem of reclaiming my power and self-acceptance. This song is speaking to those who ever doubted, misunderstood, judged, or belittled me, by letting them know that I'm done pretending to be someone I wasn't meant to be and meeting people's expectations of how I should be. I want to trust my inner wisdom and intuition so I can open up and share what I have to offer in this world, and introducing this song is the first step.

Question: Is there a particular message you hope listeners take from your music?

Syd Carter West: I want listeners to be inspired to fully embrace that unique part of them they might have hid from the world because of the fear of rejection. I want this song to motivate anyone who feels like an outcast, misfit or loner by unapologetically being who they are and honouring that.

Question: Do you prefer performing live or recording?

Syd Carter West: Performing live and recording are two different experiences for me. I love performing live because it allows me to connect, express and feel the strength in my vulnerability with an audience. Whereas recording in the studio is where I can appreciate my imperfections, feel the raw emotions of a newly written song and connect with myself as an artist and person.

Question: What motivates you most when writing music?

Syd Carter West: When I write a song, it usually happens in unexpected moments. It's difficult to force myself to write because lyrics and melodies can show up in my head at random. I could be at a cafe ordering a chai latte, and suddenly an unknown melody is playing in my head and won't stop repeating until I record myself humming it into my phone. I truly believe that songs are channelled through a songwriter from something more profound than ourselves, whether you can control it or not - it's a spiritual experience for me.

Question: Which music/artists are you currently listening to?

Syd Carter West: Chris Stapleton, Fleetwood Mac, Led Zeppelin, Kodaline and Halsey are on my current Spotify playlists.

Question: What or who was your inspiration to go into the music industry?

Syd Carter West: My passion for music started at a very young age. When I was two years old, my mother noticed me humming along to the radio in perfect pitch before I could form words. At age 6, she took me to my first singing lesson and ever since then I wanted to pursue music and become a singer-songwriter. Music has always been a comforting form of expression and the one thing I feel most confident in. I never saw myself doing anything else.

Question: If you could collaborate with another artist, who would it be?

Syd Carter West: Chris Stapleton - I admire his artistry on so many levels. I would love to duet with his powerful voice!

Question: Did you have any pre-conceived ideas about the music industry?

Syd Carter West: I never really thought about what the industry is like. I'm so focused on the present moment with music that I choose to let myself discover the industry through time. I've definitely been surprised with some aspects of it and well aware how much work and energy it takes to gain "success". However, I think worrying about the future or how the industry will react to my artistry is more discouraging than encouraging, so I rather just focus on creating my art and let life respond after that.

Question: What has been your favourite part of becoming a music artist?

Syd Carter West: My favourite part of becoming a music artist is how much I'm growing and discovering things about myself that I never knew existed. I get to share my story through music and connect with other artists or people who can relate to it. It's a beautiful way of sharing that inner light as a community.

Question: What's a typical day like?

Syd Carter West: No matter how much I try to create a steady schedule for myself, being a singer/songwriter is up and down. Some days can be super busy and overwhelming, and others can be slow and not as entertaining. Besides being in the studio, staying consistent with my social media posts and performing at venues, I like to incorporate a personal schedule for myself that goes beyond music. Hiking, working at a horse stable, getting creative in the kitchen and spending time with family are some of my go-to activities.

Question: What's next, for you?
Syd Carter West: After I officially release my first single "The Ugly Truth" on November 3rd, I plan on releasing more singles with featured music videos and then releasing the full album. Hopefully I'll be able to start performing and touring more often once Covid-19 settles.

Question: What advice do you have for aspiring artists?

Syd Carter West: It's easy for an artist to get caught up with people's opinions and/or comparing themselves to other artists. We live in a new age where social media is taking over and making it easy to show a non-realistic image of people. My advice is to focus on creating and pursuing your artistry that showcases your most authentic self. Have trust that your art will take you down a path that is meant for you and thrive on that. There's no need to compare yourself to someone else because everyone has their own journey. Let your art speak for itself.

Question: Can you share your socials? (links please)

Syd Carter West: Website 

Interview by Gwen van Montfort


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