Keep the Christmas magic alive with phone messages from Santa and help raise funds for Bear Cottage
Generate excitement in kids between 2-7 years of age this Christmas while raising funds for Bear Cottage, a Sydney based hospice for sick kids.
From only $12.95, kids can receive 3 pre-recorded calls from Santa from the North Pole on the 22nd, 23rd and 24th of December. Register and try before you buy at
As part of this excellent initiative, all kids in hospital over Christmas can receive FREE calls from Santa.
This Australian first charity fundraising campaign sees Santa himself making three phone calls to kids at Mums convenience - on the 22nd, 23rd and 24th of December. Kids will be amazed to hear from Santa himself making their Christmas gifts, preparing the reindeers and ensuring the kids are well behaved in the exciting lead up to Christmas.
Bear Cottage ( ) is the only hospice in NSW that provides excellent care for children with terminal illnesses. They have no government funding and rely on initiatives like such as Santas Calling to raise money.
"We are extremely grateful to Santa for thinking of Bear Cottage this year and helpings us to bring happiness and quality to the short but precious lives of the children who visit us," said Bear Cottage Community Relations Officer, Kate Henshall.
"Its a win-win for everyone, the children of Australia get three phone calls from one of the most important people in their world and Bear Cottage benefits with much needed funds - its going to be a very happy Christmas for everyone."
To register and listen to the calls yourself, please go to 
Do you think your children could ever forget getting a phone call from Santa?
Unfortunately, most presents come and go ... sometimes much more quickly than we as parents would like .... but a phone call from Santa will stay with your child forever.
Can't you just see it now, the jaw-dropping surprise when they first receive the call, that ear-to-ear smile on their face and their eyes as big as saucers, as they hear updates keeping your child in-the-loop with his progress and preparation directly from Santa in the 3 days leading up to Christmas.
This is a timeless memory that will be with you and your children forever.