Premature Labour
You may come into labour early (before 37 weeks). Regular painful contraction and/or a show. Depending on the situation the labour maybe delayed so medical advice should be sort.
Premature Rupture of Membranes
This is when the bag of water around the baby is broken prior to labour commencing. Medical advice must be sort.
Vaginal Bleeding
Any bleeding in Pregnancy is not normal and may require hospitalization.
Pre Eclampsia
This is condition of Pregnancy. The signs are swelling, high blood pressure and protein in our urine. If detected may result in hospitalization or even early delivery of baby.
Gestational Diabetes
If detected in pregnancy requires careful monitoring.
Small Baby and Decreased Movements
If the babys movements are considerably reduced, this should be reported to the doctor. Sometimes when the baby is small this may result in early admission for further investigation.
Maternal Medical Conditions
Some women have existing medical problems or conditions detected in pregnancy and may require medical follow up.