9 Must-Haves For First Time Moms

9 Must-Haves For First Time Moms

9 Must-Haves For First Time Moms

First-time moms go through a lot of new experiences. Your friends or parents may have told you what to do and what to expect when having a baby. But, of course, everyone has different needs and lifestyles.

Whether you're staying at home or working, you need to listen to yourself as you know what changes are ahead of you, from pregnancy to childcare.

So here are the must-haves, either for a gift or a shopping list, to look forward to what's to come from this wonderful transition to motherhood.

1. Prenatal Vitamins
As first-time moms, babies are in their crucial stage of development, and most congenital disabilities happen during the first trimester. Pregnant women are also susceptible to the baby having congenital disabilities caused by viral infections from German measles, which may lead to the baby's deafness.

So make sure to be extra careful during these months and take the right amount of prescribed vitamins, usually folic acid, iron, and vitamin D.

2. Maternity Clothes
The baby bump will get bigger, but maternity dresses don't need to be out of style. You can look for maternity dresses that complement the baby bump and flatter your curves. Flaunt that baby bump with cozy, on-the-go, stylish clothes!

3. Ginger Candy For Morning Sickness
Morning sickness is unavoidable for soon-to-be moms. Nausea and an upset stomach can be relieved with ginger candies, or if the flavor is too spicy, they can turn to peppermint flavors.

4. Nursing Bra
A nursing bra is essential for breastfeeding moms. On average, infants are breastfed 8-12 times per day during the first month. For that, during postpartum, mothers have a 2-3 times increase in their breast size during their lactation period, so it is essential to wear soft and comfortable nursing bras.

5. Breast Pump
Breast pumps are must-haves for lactating mothers, especially for working moms or if you find yourself multitasking often. They're portable, efficient, and durable enough to use multiple times and for a second and the next babies to have.

Additionally, breast milk that has been pumped freshly should be stored at room temperature for 4 hours and above or up to 4 days if it's kept in the fridge.

6. Stroller
When it's time for a baby's day out, a stroller is such a big help. You should look for a lightweight stroller, easy to fold but still durable. They're pretty helpful, especially for long walks either at the park or at the mall, as you'll still need to push them, and it might tire you quickly.

Remember, you still need to breastfeed your child, and it can also drain your energy fast, so make sure to take it easy throughout the day.

7. Car Seat
When getting a car seat for your baby, you must check its safety standard specifications and compare it to the other baby car seats. The car seats should be comfortable enough for your baby, so it's best to check if they can cater to their weight and height. Additionally, the car seat should also be easy to install to lessen the everyday hustle and bustle of a mom.

8. Diaper Bag
Babies have many essentials that need to be brought whenever you're going outside. You need to pack diapers, feeding bottles, breast pumps, bibs, towels or washcloths, nipple cream, extra baby clothes, etc. Therefore, you'll need a heavy-duty diaper bag equipped with compartments for the breastfeeding bottles and your other baby essentials.

9. Baby Carrier
When your baby simply wants to be held but you are busy and need to use your hands, a baby carrier will come in helpful. Most babies like a wraparound carrier, while others favor a buckle design.


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