Rachael Coltrona Notting Hill Interview

Rachael Coltrona Notting Hill Interview

Prepare to be captivated by the enchanting Rachael

Coltrona, the singer-songwriter whose emotive lyrics have won the hearts of fans worldwide. In a delightful twist of fate, Rachael's latest single, inspired by a transformative London experience, is set to release on June 10th, coinciding with the 25th anniversary of the classic film Notting Hill.

During a memorable London adventure, Rachael faced the disappointment of being stood up on a blind date. However, destiny had other plans. She found herself drawn to the iconic bookstore from Notting Hill, where she discovered solace and inspiration among the shelves. Reflecting on this serendipitous moment, Rachael penned heartfelt lyrics on her tube ride home. These lyrics, rediscovered as her career soared, have blossomed into a poignant and evocative song.

'I've always loved Notting Hill and discovering that bookstore during a difficult moment was like a scene from the movie come to life,' Rachael shares. 'It reminded me that sometimes, being stood up or facing a setback can lead to beautiful and unexpected opportunities, so much so I went back to London and made my video right in the same bookstore as the movie.'

Rachael Coltrona, who gained a dedicated following with her major hit Complicated featured on KIIS FM, ABC, FLOW NETWORK, and SUPER NETWORK stations, continues to inspire with her relatable and heartfelt songs. Her new single masterfully captures the essence of finding unexpected joys in moments of disappointment, inviting listeners to celebrate the magic of life's surprising twists.
The wait is over! Rachael's electrifying new single is now available on all major streaming platforms. Dive into this emotional journey and revel in the serendipity of life's unexpected moments.

Rachel Coltrona Interview

How would you describe your music?

I would describe my music as being very similar to my taste in the music I enjoy listing to (when I have time) as eclectic!
From having studied such a diverse range of genres from classical to contemporary pop music, my own music also reflects that theme, it can go from sounding like a pop song from Demi Lovato or Ava Max to being a ballad somewhat like an Adele classic. The one thing that is consistent is that my music is truthful, relatable and something that you can sing your heart out to or bop along.

Can you tell us about (your new song/upcoming gig/video), what was the inspiration?

My new song Notting Hill is inspired by the iconic film 'Notting Hill' and my own transformative experience I had whilst I was in London. Like many Australians, I embarked on a rite of passage, traveling to London and navigating life in a bustling city far from home. The journey was not without its challenges, especially when it came to the dating scene. On one memorable occasion, I was stood up on a blind date. Feeling disheartened, I looked around and spotted a familiar bookstore across the street"the very same one from the movie "Notting Hill."  I was so drawn to the bookstore, I wandered inside and lost myself among the shelves, as I've always been an avid reader.
This serendipitous visit sparked a wave of inspiration, leading me to pen lyrics on my tube ride home, and that is where I left it, until I decided to turn it into a song. I realised how closely my experience paralleled that of the one in the movie, except I didn't bump into that stranger on the street corner and get the happy ending.
I've always loved the movie 'Notting Hill,' and discovering that bookstore during a difficult moment was like a scene from the movie come to life. It reminded me that sometimes, being stood up or facing a setback can lead to beautiful and unexpected opportunities, so much so I went back to London and made my video right in the same bookstore as the movie.
What are you musical influences?

With a background in studying classical music, music theatre and contemporary pop, I have a lot of musical influences. Having seen the likes of Sara Bareilles moving between Music Theatre and Contemporary Pop has shown me it is possible to have influences from both genres and be successful.

Do you prefer performing live or recording?

To be honest, I really love creating music in both forms, just being able to sing in a recording studio or live gives me a buzz to want to do my very best every time (I am very critical of myself). Lately I've been recording and creating a whole lot of new music in the studio, and I've really enjoyed being able to create that perfect song and see it come together from basic chords and lyrics to a full blown production. Then taking that work and performing it live in front of a crowd, creates such a special moment for me that can't be replicated or just 'played' again like in a studio. 

What should we expect from your upcoming shows?

At the moment I have a show planned to perform at a special evening at the art deco Como Theatre in South Perth, where a 35mm version of the Notting Hill movie will be shown. It is a beautiful old style cinema with great acoustics and wooden flooring. The plan is for me to get behind my piano and play acoustic versions of my original music, including some yet to be released songs - so hopefully the audience will be listening out for them and want to know more about me. I am also performing at some gala events then moving on to the pub scene as we get into spring (once I find a guitarist!). I am also performing with the Joondalup Symphony Orchestra at Government House in Perth in late June, celebrating 101 years of Disney.

How did the band come together?

I started my solo career after I finished performing in a season of Legally Blonde in late 2021. It was in the midst of Covid so it was not great timing, but it gave me plenty of time to write songs and practice my piano skills.

What motivates you most when writing music?

Inspiration can hit me at any time, mostly when I least expect it, like when I've had a chat with my parents or friends and hear what is going on in their lives. I also get ideas from my own experiences and travels that I write down for future inspirations. Writing music for me is an almost daily event, usually involving sitting at my piano and writing or playing something, so there isn't really a big gap between writing sessions. When I'm home or going through something emotional, I'll write what I'm feeling into notes on my phone, then I'll go back to the piano and see what chords fit the words and sometimes a song comes from it.

Which music/artists are you currently listening to?

I listen to a variety of artists but at the moment, I'm really enjoying the music from Blake Rose, Hans Zimmer, Charley, Aiyana-Lee Griff, Taylor Swift, Sasha Alex Sloan and Julia Michaels, their music has lyrics or tunes that are often relatable or create a good feeling mood.

What or who was your inspiration to go into the music industry?

I have always had a passion for music, since I was young and I couldn't see myself doing anything else, I love creating music, collaborating with other musicians and my friends in the orchestra. Singing gives me a joy that nothing else can match. I was able to follow my dreams thanks to my parents who told me I could do anything I wanted if I worked hard enough.
There is a famous proverb that I love to recount "...when the emotion becomes too strong for speech you sing..." and that's how I felt writing, when I am feeling such strong emotions and feelings towards something, I just transfer it into a song!

If you could collaborate with another artist, who would it be?

There are honestly so many artists I would love to collaborate with like Nina Nesbitt, Griff and Taylor Swift, but if I had to pick one I would probably say Julia Michaels. She started out as a songwriter for other artists, and then after many years became an artist in her own right as a singer song writer, and her voice is so powerful.

What is the biggest challenge you have faced in the music industry?

The biggest challenge for me is fear of the unknown, there is no guide book on how to become a successful artist, grow a following in a world where everyone in their bedroom can create music or even just make a living while being true to yourself.
It also takes quite some courage putting in all your time, effort and money to do something that you love, irrespective of whether you will have a successful outcome or not (and all the part time jobs that I need to take on just to keep me afloat). I guess you have to define what you deem as success and avoid thinking of it as the mainstream world does, because if you live by others expectations of what success is, you will never be happy.

What's next, for you?

I have a new single 'Everybody's Doing It' coming out later this year. It's a real banger of a track that is really energetic and the sort of beat that everyone can dance to! I've also got live performances, a few concerts with the orchestra and other corporate events.



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