* 30ml POM Wonderful 100% pomegranate juice
* 45ml light rum
* 15ml fresh limejuice
* 20ml simple syrup (equal parts sugar and cold water dissolved together)
* Soda
* 4 mint leaves
* Mint sprig for garnish
1. In the bottom of a double old-fashioned glass bruise the 4 mint leaves with the fresh lime juiceand simple syrup.
2. Add crushed ice then the POM Wonderful and rum.
3. Top with a splash of soda and stir. Garnish with the mint sprig.
Drink to your health in 2010!
Add POM to your daily routine for an instant health boost!
POM Brekkie Shake - start your daywith an antioxidant boost
* POM Sparkler - pure pomegranatejuice and sparkling water is aneffervescent alternative to the emptycalories and artificial ingredients foundin many soft drinks
* POM Granita - Swap out fat-laden icecream for this lighter, more refreshingiced dessert
* POM Cocktails - pomegranate inspired cocktails are perfect for Australia Day & Valentines Day

* 30ml POM Wonderful 100% Pomegranate Juice
* 45ml vodka
* 45ml grapefruit juice
* 15ml sour mix, or 15ml freshly squeezed lime
* 15ml simple syrup (equal parts sugar and cold water dissolved together)
* Spiraled orange rind for garnish
* Ice cubes
1. Assemble all ingredients in bar or mixing glass. Shake well with ice and strain into a chilled martini glass.
2. Garnish with spiraled orange rind or fresh pomegranate seeds.