Kinderling Kids Radio Play & Learn Program

Kinderling Kids Radio Play & Learn Program

Kinderling Kids Radio Play & Learn Program

Kinderling Kids Radio has partnered with a national cohort of early education centres to broadcast a specifically designed radio program for pre-school children in early learning centres and at home. The program, Play & Learn, is set to ignite children's imaginations, nurture emotional development, support the Early Years Learning Framework and accelerate school readiness.


Launching Monday 24th of July, the Play & Learn program, co-designed by Kinderling and early learning educators, is an Australia-first audio listening program which will run initially as a trial for 10 weeks in 24 centres across Victoria, South Australia and New South Wales.


The innovative new program uses sound and music to foster creativity, improve wellbeing, enhance communication skills and give children the confidence to build meaningful connections – all key outcomes set out in the Early Years Learning Framework.

The daily Play & Learn program promises a fun mix of audio-led activities from top children's entertainers, including ex-Wiggles front man Sam Moran and Lah-Lah and Buzz from Lah-Lah's Big Live Band.


Segments of each episode will include:

Music Time, workshops led by Lah-Lah, Buzz, and Sam Moran, which explore musical concepts like beat, rhythm, tempo, pitch and dynamics; 

Minute of Listening, short sonic adventures where children are asked to identify mystery sounds; 

Hear It, Make It, a guided musical imagination exercise that encourages children to respond visually to a piece of music; 

Stories, audio tales and indigenous and dreamtime stories told by some of Australia's best and brightest authors; 

Mindfulness Moments, guided meditations encouraging children to tune in to their body and mind.

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