Cast: Roger Stone, Ken Auletta, Liz Smith, Anne Roiphe, David Cay Johnston, Jim Zirin, Marie Brenner, Jason Epstein, Sam Roberts, John Vassalo, Martin London, Robert Cohen, Peter Sudler, Elizabeth Kabler, Dave Marcus, Gary Marcus, Thomas Doherty, David Rosenthal
Director: Matt Tyrnauer
Synopsis: One of the most controversial and influential American men of the 20th Century, Roy Cohn was a ruthless and unscrupulous lawyer and political power broker whose 28-year career ranged from acting as chief counsel to Senator Joseph McCarthy's Communist-hunting subcommittee to molding the career of a young Queens real estate developer named Donald Trump.
Cohn formulated his playbook in the 50s, but it is all too familiar today: always attack; never admit blame or apologize; use favors and fear to ensure support for your objectives; expertly manipulate the media to gain advantage and destroy your opponents; lie shamelessly, invalidating the idea of truth; weaponize lawsuits; evade taxes and bills; and, most importantly, inflame the prejudices of the crowd by scapegoating defenseless people.
Both, for those who remember Cohn and those who were too young to have any awareness of him, Matt Tyrnauer's Where's My Roy Cohn? lays out who Cohn was and how his lessons to his apprentice Donald Trump have shaped contemporary American politics.
Where's My Roy Cohn? tells Cohn's story from his birth in 1927 to his death in 1986, a picaresque journey that carries us from the Depression, through the Red Scare of the 50s, to the 70s and 80s New York high life of wealth, celebrity, and Studio 54.
Known for Tony Kushner's fictionalized version of him in his Pulitzer Prize-winning play, "Angels in America," Roy Cohn's best known exploits include: secretly and unethically communicating with the judge to send Julius and Ethel Rosenberg to the electric chair; collaborating with Senator Joseph McCarthy's anti-Communist witch hunt; spearheading J. Edgar Hoover and McCarthy's crusade to hound homosexuals out of government; choreographing the New York State primary to split the vote and place Ronald Reagan in the oval office; spreading damaging stories about Geraldine Ferraro in 1984, scuttling her historic bid for the Vice Presidency; abusing the law to keep many of America's murderous mafiosos out of jail; and looting the bank accounts of many of his legal clients.
Cohn's reputation as a flamboyant personality and courtroom pit bull drew the cream of Manhattan café society to him, from socialites and politicians to crime lords and a Catholic Cardinal. Despite his McCarthyite history and carnivore persona, members of the glitterati enjoyed his company. He had a large retinue of celebrity friends, including Andy Warhol, George Steinbrenner, and Aristotle Onassis. Cohn was a denizen of Studio 54, often accompanied by his male lovers, while adamantly denying his homosexuality to everyone. Cohn's party finally came to an end when, disbarred and dying, his powerful friends, including his protégé Donald Trump, abandoned him. Cohn went out defiantly, refusing to admit he had AIDS, until the day he died of the disease.
Even those who think they know everything about Roy Cohn will find much that is new in this deeply researched film, which utilizes a great deal of material never publicly seen. Those with little previous knowledge of Cohn's story will have their eyes opened to the sizeable impact he continues to have on us, despite being dead for decades. By showing how America's current divisions are rooted in dark areas of our past, Where's My Roy Cohn? offers an illuminating portrait of where we are today.
Where's My Roy Cohn?
Release Date: December 5th, 2019
Roy M. Cohn would have been but a bold footnote to American history, most remembered for his role in the Rosenberg spy case, his conspiratorial whispering in the ear of Senator Joseph McCarthy during his 1950s witch-hunts, and the monumental hypocrisy of his own life as a closeted gay man who helped McCarthy and J. Edgar Hoover's FBI destroy the lives of other gay men.
Director Matt Tyrnauer first became interested in Roy Cohn in 2016, while he was watching archival footage for his film STUDIO 54. As Cohn was the attorney for Studio 54 owners, he appeared often. "I've never seen anyone leap off the screen like Cohn," says Tyrnauer.
"I kept asking myself, 'Why hasn't there been a Roy Cohn documentary?'" After thinking it over, Tyrnauer realized that a Roy Cohn film would probably only be of wide interest if Trump won the Presidency. "When Trump won, Roy Cohn went from a footnote in history to become the modern Machiavelli who [helped] create a President of the United States," says Tyrnauer. Tyrnauer wrote the treatment for his Cohn documentary the next day. "I wanted to connect the dots for a general audience and show them who Cohn was and how he got us to where we are today," says Tyrnauer. "While he might seem a relatively obscure figure in our political history, he has an outsized role in fashioning the predicament we're in right now politically. As Gore Vidal said, 'We live in the United States of Amnesia.' I want this film to be an antidote to that."
A few weeks later, I was in New York and ran into the writer and investigative journalist Marie Brenner, a long time friend and colleague, and asked her what she was working on. "I was astonished when she said, `I am writing about the relationship Roy Cohn had with Donald Trump.' Marie had known and reported on them both in her early career and had a deep understanding of the larger and mostly unknown history of the world around them. I immediately said, `Let's work on this together.' We dove in and spent the next months pulling in many who had never spoken before, as well as Roger Stone, who Marie had been in contact with for her recent reporting. We were determined to illuminate the psychological back story of Roy Cohn and the forces that made him become a moral monster."
The film takes us through the circumstances that forged Cohn's singular persona, starting before he was even born, with the cynical transaction that made his parents' marriage possible. As his mother Dora had a difficult personality and was generally thought of as unattractive, her wealthy parents were losing hope of her ever finding a husband, when she met Albert Cohn, a young 8 Assistant District Attorney in the Bronx, whose ambition was to be a judge. At that time, the Democratic Party demanded sizable payments from the men they put on the ballot for judgeships, and Al lacked the funds. Dora's parents were willing to provide the necessary cash if Al agreed to marry Dora. Shortly thereafter, wedding bells rang, inaugurating a lifelong loveless marriage. "Cohn is a product of the bizarre combination of his parents," says Tyrnauer. "Dora was apparently very difficult and a dark soul, monstrously overbearing, while Al, who was a machine politician judge, introduced their son to the dark arts of the Bronx Democratic patronage machine."
Dora was the consummate doting, hovering mother, who continued to play that role into Roy's adulthood, living with him until her death, giving an oddly childlike dimension to aspects of his personality, which clashed with his bulldog reputation. To Dora, Roy could do no wrong. At the same time, probably due to her own issues, she imbued her son with a shame about his appearance. Obsessing about a little bump he had on his nose as a baby, she took him to a surgeon who botched the operation, leaving Roy with a lifelong scar to look at. Cohn's father, by all reports kinder than his wife, introduced his son to the world of accumulating and maintaining power through doing favors and collecting on them"the so-called favor bank. "Roy's father had Democratic, maybe even liberal leanings," says Tyrnauer. "But that didn't mean that there wasn't a level of corruption and back-scratching and clubhouse politics behind all of that. And he passed an awareness of how that operated on to his son." Young Roy quickly learned how to pull strings. By the time he was in high school, he already knew enough to be able to fix a parking ticket for one of his teachers.
In addition, Cohn's personality was also twisted by his insecurity about being a closeted gay Jewish boy who could not be his true self. "I'm speculating, but I think he was aggrieved and traumatized by being considered short and ugly when he wanted to be tall and beautiful and admired," says Tyrnauer. "Being the possessor of a brilliant mind wasn't enough for him. He wanted it all, and he was told he could have it all by his mother. I think he was bitter, resentful, and scared." Another source of bitterness for Roy was that his uncle Bernard Marcus, President of The Bank of The United States, was blamed for the collapse of banking during the Great Depression, and was sent to jail. This catastrophe caused considerable shame to Cohn's elite family, and particularly to Dora, who felt that her brother Bernie's fall was caused by a WASP conspiracy to make a Jewish banker the fall guy. The family's well of indignation at Bernie's persecutors rubbed off on young Roy, and he carried a chip on his shoulder for the rest of his life. "He always cast himself as a rebel and an outsider," says Tyrnauer. "He did that even as he was accepting favors from the people who literally ran the government and were, by definition, the establishment."
Cohn graduated from Columbia Law School at the unprecedented age of 20. He had to wait a year to be admitted to the New York bar, as the minimum age was 21. Two years later, he was serving in one of the most notorious jobs of his life, as one of the prosecutors in the trial of suspected communist spies, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. Determined to send both of them to the electric chair, Cohn engaged in improper"and illegal"communications with Judge Irving Kaufman outside of the courtroom. While most historians who have studied the case believe Julius was guilty, it is unlikely that Ethel would have been found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt if not for Cohn's interference with the judicial process and the fevered temper of the Red Scare era.
Roy's education in the furtive workings of political gamesmanship, which began with his father, expanded as a result of his relationships with a series of powerful men. The first was gossip columnist Walter Winchell, who schooled Roy in the art of manipulating the media as a weapon to bend people to his will. Best known today as the inspiration for Burt Lancaster's character J.J. Hunsecker in THE SWEET SMELL OF SUCCESS, Winchell, in a time of more limited media, was an enormously influential, incendiary one-man media empire. "Winchell operated for a period as a kind of equivalent to the entire network of Fox News in that he was a right-wing, jingoistic, demagogic media megaphone," says Tyrnauer. "Cohn helped him, like a hummingbird, pollinate the gossip trees of the country in that period."
Cohn also had the extraordinary advantage in his media work due to friendships he had formed during his school days with such future media barons as S.I. Newhouse (Condé Nast magazines, Newhouse Newspapers, etc.) and Generoso Pope Jr. (The National Enquirer).
Cohn met his second mentor, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, when he was working in the Justice Department in his early twenties. Utilizing the skills he had honed through his interactions with Winchell, Cohn made himself particularly useful to Hoover by spreading stories in the media about Hoover's adversaries. Hoover and Cohn, both virulent anti-communists, also shared a methodology of amassing secret dossiers on their perceived enemies for the purpose of blackmail. "How ironic that two of the greatest persecutors of homosexual people in American history were closet homosexuals themselves, and how extraordinary that one mentored the other," says Tyrnauer. Cohn's most infamous collaboration was with the communist-hunting Senator Joseph McCarthy, who sought Cohn out sight unseen based on his reputation. McCarthy wanted to know if it was hype or if Cohn really was as ruthless as everybody said he was. In joining McCarthy's right wing drive to purge communists and gay people from the U.S. government, Cohn made a u-turn from his roots in the Democratic Party. Whether Cohn was a sincere red-baiter or whether he just wanted to separate himself from the anti-Semitic trope of the day that Communists were largely Jews, is unknown, but Cohn held firm to his anti-Communism to the end of his life. Cohn and McCarthy were so united in their obsessions and approach that it is hard to say who was the teacher and who was the student. McCarthy and Cohn's chief tactic was "The Big Lie," a propaganda technique devised and named by Adolf Hitler in his book Mein Kampf. The idea of The Big Lie is that while people might have the capacity to reject a small lie, they are incapable of imagining that anyone would have the audacity to invent a colossal one. Consequently, The Big Lie is more readably credible than a small one. If a Big Lie is repeated enough, it becomes truer than the truth. McCarthy would declare, "I have here in my hand a list of 205 State Department employees who are known members of the Communist Party," when in fact he had no such thing. Though McCarthy changed the number of Communists in his lists, much of the public assumed it would be utter madness for McCarthy to make such claims if there weren't any basis to them, and they believed him for a long time.