Running Time: 132 Minutes
Rating: PG
As the world teeters on the brink of annihilation, Dietrich Bonhoeffer is swept into the epicentre of a deadly plot to assassinate Hitler. With his faith and fate at stake, Bonhoeffer must choose between upholding his moral convictions or risking it all to save millions of Jews from genocide. Will his shift from preaching peace to plotting murder alter the course of history or cost him everything?
In 1933, when Hitler attained power in Germany, the first thing he took over was the German church. He used his brute nationalism to sway the Lutheran and Catholic leadership to his way of seeing the world. Within months, Bibles and crosses disappeared from sanctuaries, replaced by copies of Mein Kampf and the ever present swastika.
One man inside the church decided that political courage was an act of faith, and to stand silent in the face of evil, was in fact, evil itself. "Bonhoeffer" is the story of that man. Dietrich Bonhoeffer. A son of privilege who traded his very life to fight against Hitler and to stand in the breach to protect the lives of innocent Jews. A man whose books, many of them written in prison, have sold countless millions over the decades. A hero whose statue stands outside Westminster Abbey next to MLK, Jr.'s. A human being who decided that his life was worth trading if it meant another man could go free.
Bonhoeffer in cinemas 13 March