Lost Libido

I am 21 years old and have been with my boyfriend who is 23, since I was 16. The last year or so, I have had no interest in sex.

He thinks it's something wrong with him. Whenever I do sleep with him, I feel sick afterwards. I want to increase my libido but I don't know how. It's really getting me and him down. We also have a 1-year old child together. Apart from this, we have no problems, we are great friends and get along really well. Please help.

A. What you are feeling is common after childbirth.

I'm surprised you haven't made the connection as you gave birth a year ago when your loss of libido began. I wish there was more education for young parents about such matters so you wouldn't have to worry. The important thing now is to ask for your boyfriend's support. He needs to be very supportive and you have to stop being so hard on yourself. Your body is simply adjusting and you have your hands full with a new baby. Give it time and in the meantime, enjoy lots of cuddles.

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