10 Online Dating Tips to Find Long-Term Love

10 Online Dating Tips to Find Long-Term Love

10 Online Dating Tips to Find Long-Term Love

Everyone has the fairy tale dating story in their mind; you casually bump into the love of your life while searching for the same book. Maybe you lose your balance on a patch of ice and tumble right into his arms. Unfortunately, it doesn't tend to work that way. It can feel almost impossible for women to find long-term love to find that happily ever after relationship. Many people turn to online dating to find their connection, putting their wants and needs into cyberspace.

Trying to navigate your way to lasting love can be overwhelming and tiresome. To help improve your chances of finding the right person, here are ten online dating tips.

Stick with Sites That Has the Population You Want to Date
Consider the types of people you're interested in pursuing and where they're likely to register online. If you're looking for a long-term partnership that provides financial stability, a sugar daddy website is going to target your ideal mate. You'll find older, successful men on the platform that understand the importance of financial stability. If you're looking for a relationship that shares hobbies or interests, you may want to consider a niche website.

Get Rid of Anyone That Doesn't Respond
Someone interested in you is going to put forth the effort to stay in contact. The one drawback of online dating is the instant accessibility that comes along with matching. The higher number of matches, the higher the number of conversations. People will often gravitate toward someone they're interested in, whether it's a physical connection or an emotional dynamic. If you're not getting timely responses, quick answers, or one-sided conversations, it's better to walk away.

Stop Focusing on Your Type
There's a reason your type has left you single; it's probably because you're not compatible with what you're looking for. Far too many people block off different sections of people because they don't match the age, height, or physical qualities they're looking for. Unfortunately, it also means you're likely blocking off a lot of potential partners. Focus on getting to know the person inside (their personality, successes, failures, and energy) instead of how well they take photographs.

Never Wear Yourself Thin
With nearly 8,000 dating apps available online, putting yourself on too many apps can quickly become overwhelming. Instead of trying to find the perfect match among countless platforms, focus your attention on two or three apps instead. Focus on the quality of the interactions instead of the quantity of matches. There's nothing wrong with switching the apps if you're unsuccessful after a period.

Don't Shy Away from Cultural Differences
Although there's a steep learning curve that often comes with mixed cultures, allowing yourself to discover something new is always a benefit. Consider the dating opportunities that stem from different backgrounds, new food, traditions, and hangout spots throughout the city. Keep an open mind and heart when talking to other people; they might just surprise you.

Be Transparent About Who You Are
Being confident and assertive includes knowing who you are and where you stand on critical issues. If something is important to you, let a match know upfront. Hot topics like children or family plans, relationships, religion, or ambition/success are all major influencing factors with relationships. Someone who considers faith essential in their life isn't going to last when matched with an atheist. Likewise, a partner that hates children won't do well with a partner that wants a large family.

Stop Browsing the Menu When You're Dating Someone
To give a date the best opportunity for success, it's always a good idea to silence your app notifications. In fact, silence the phone entirely. There's nothing more frustrating than spending time with someone that has their nose in their phone. If you're a single parent with the phone on for emergencies, consider setting the contact's ringtone to a specific sound.

Consider the Normal Guy
We all have our celebrity crush, but finding someone that checks every box isn't always feasible. You want someone that you connect with, which means considering each profile carefully. Look for someone that has realistic photos. Photos of dogs, friends, family, and hobbies are all excellent indicators of who you're talking to. Avoid profiles of heavily photoshopped images, half-naked selfies, or workout photos (especially if fitness isn't high on your priority list).

Create a List of What You're Looking For
Virtually every conversation starts with the question, "what are you looking for?" but few people are honest about their intentions. Instead, focus on bringing the most candid and straightforward version of yourself to the dating platforms. Identify what you're looking for relationship-wise (whether that's a long-term commitment, marriage, or just a few friends to hang out with on the weekend). Also, identify a few traits your partner must have for it to be successful.

Start Walking Away from Red Flags
Far too often, people are willing to tolerate behaviors they can't stand in hopes that they get better long-term. Unfortunately, these red flags will seldom work that way. If you know that excessive drinking isn't your style, end the conversation when someone tells you they enjoy partying and binging whiskey on the weekend. Stop settling for behaviors and continuing relationships you know won't last.


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