Prevent kidney disease through early detection
One in three Australian adults is at increased risk of kidney disease, and one in three shows at least one sign of existing kidney damage.
The growth in new patients with kidney failure in Australia each year continues at about 6% each year, with the total number of people dependent upon dialysis for life also increasing at the rate of 6% per annum. The size of this increase has resulted in a doubling of dialysis patients in the past decade.
Transplant waiting times average four years with over 1,400 Australians waiting for a kidney transplant.
The good news is that kidney failure can be prevented if detected early and managed appropriately.
There are a number of groups that fall into the high-risk category for kidney disease:
* Over 50s
* People with a family history of kidney disease
* Diabetics
* High blood pressure
* Smokers
* Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders
If you fit into one or more of these categories you should ask your doctor for a kidney performance check.
Early detection and appropriate therapy can reduce the number of new cases of kidney disease progressing to dialysis and transplantation.
You can lose up to 90 per cent of kidney function without realising it, by which time it is almost impossible to prevent further serious problems. Don't leave it until it is too late!
For kidney health information and advice call the Kidney Health Info Line (freecall) 1800 682 531 or TTY 1800 005 881, or visit the Kidney Health Australia website More information from Kidney Health Australia
Kidney Watch AnaemiaKidney Watch NutritionKidney Watch High Blood PressureKidney Watch DiabetesKidney Watch Early DetectionKidney Health Australia