Kat Riggins Cry Out Interview

Kat Riggins Cry Out Interview

Inspired by the variety and abundance of music in her parents' collection, it makes sense that her own music is peppered with hints of R&B, soul, country, gospel, hip-hop, and rock-n-roll. Make no mistake; however, Kat Riggins is undeniably a BLUES WOMAN! She travels the world with the sole mission of keeping the blues alive and thriving through her Blues Revival Movement.

What is a "Blues Revival" anyway? According to Kat, it is a musical revolution that aims to awaken the masses and introduce them to the sincerity behind blues music. "It's about the raw emotion in every note", exclaims Kat Riggins as she attempts to describe her love of the genre. Backed by a dynamic band, Kat invokes said emotion through high energy soul shakers as well as heart breaking ballads. During a meet and greet after a sold out show in Belgium, a fan once jokingly asked Kat if ever there was a time she "phoned it in" to avoid ending up exhausted, sweaty and bruised from the tambourine… "If I can move someone to feel what I feel when I sing a song, then it's all worth it", said the Miami born singer-songwriter.

She has been vocally compared to Koko Taylor, Etta James and Tina Turner to name a few. While obviously influenced by those icons, Mrs. Riggins has a voice and delivery all her own. Full of power, rasp and grit she can belt out one of her contemporary blues originals one minute, then deliver a tender, sultry standard the next. She does this all while making each person in her audience feel as if she is speaking directly to them. Blues Revivals are interactive and personal no matter how large the crowd. This intimacy is what makes every Blues Revival a memorable experience…not only for the audience, but for Kat.

"I thank God that my passion is my purpose... That is to help preserve this endangered species called The Blues." - Kat Riggins

Interview with Kat Riggins

Question: How would you describe your music?

Kat Riggins: I guess the more accurate label for the kind of music I tend to do, is Contemporary Blues. I love and respect the Blues in it's purest form, but I also dig something about every other form it has taken on. I find inspiration in just about all genres of music. So I allow my music to reflect that, because it's authentic to me. I want people to experience my music like a foodie experiences that perfect bite... I want folks to be able to identify and appreciate each ingredient individually AND savor the flavor of the dish as a whole.

Question: What inspired your new album Cry Out?

Kat Riggins: With the exception of the title track, most of the songs on this album were written at least 2 years ago. I wrote the title cut last at the end of 2019 AFTER I had decided to name the project Cry Out. The songs on this album were inspired by life happening around me. All of my music is. With this project in particular, I noticed that I was writing a bit more bluntly than I had allowed myself to do on previous works. At this point in my life, I feel a need to be more vulnerable and honest, with myself and my audience. Vulnerability is often mistaken for weakness, when in fact it takes extraordinary courage. That's what I want from this album. I want it to inspire EXTRAORDINARY courage!

Question: Is there a particular message you hope listeners take from your music?

Kat Riggins: My prayer is always to inspire strength, love, passion, compassion and joy! I want people to hear my music and want to be and do better...for each other, for the Earth that we take for granted, for themselves and for God.

Question: How has COVID-19 influenced your music?

Kat Riggins: This whole pandemic situation has made me recognize even more than before, the importance of NOW. There is no time like the present to tell it like it is, because this life that we feel entitled to... those tomorrows that we plan for are not promised. No more dreams deferred. It's time to go get your blessings. No more guarding your feelings. If you love someone, they should know it NOW. No more suffering in silence. It's time to "cry out". I thought I was writing honest songs before, but I realize now that since this all started my music has been even more candid. I'm just going with it!

Question: Tell us about your drive-in concert?

Kat Riggins: I was SO excited about this! We had been searching for months to find the perfect way to debut this album live. Obviously, the pandemic made it difficult to settle on a safe place that didn't go against whatever gathering restrictions are in place and that wouldn't negate our efforts to socially distance. We finally found the perfect place last week. I didn't want to push the launch party too far away from the official release date of the album (August 14th). So, we scheduled it for Friday, August 21st in North Miami, Florida! I hope it can be a safe way to get back to LIVE MUSIC in South Florida! I want that for all of us! I thank you all for doing what you do to help me keep these Blues alive and thriving!

Question: If you could have anyone, in the world, attend a show, who would it be?

Kat Riggins: I'd love to look out into the audience at a Blues Revival and see some of my favorites enjoying the show! To be honest though, I'd probably be a nervous wreck if Tina Turner, Fantastic Negrito, Jonny Lang, Ruthie Foster, Beth Hart, Buddy Guy or any of those were to walk in to my gig!

Question: What motivates you most when writing music?

Kat Riggins: I'm motivated by my mission to keep the Blues alive and thriving and to try to make a success out of the gifts that God has given me.

Question: What or who was your inspiration to go into the music industry?

Kat Riggins: When people talk about hearing "a call", that's some serious stuff! I tried to ignore it for a long time, but it just got louder until I stopped being hard headed. When I finally settled into my purpose, things started to make sense. Long story short, nowadays when God tells me to do something I try my best to be obedient right away.

Question: Was there a moment you contemplated throwing in the towel?

Kat Riggins: There were many of those moments! This business in this genre is not for the faint of heart. You gotta really love it and have a deep seated spiritual need to keep doing it or quitting will come easy. I was a bartender for over a decade. Even after I got into music professionally, I kept a bar job on the side. After I made music my full time job there were definitely moments when I doubted myself and wanted to just go back to slingin' drinks because it was what I knew I did well. That's when that doggone "call" got loud again and reminded me why I'm here. I still get discouraged once in a while, but I know that music is how I'm meant to heal. As long as I hold on to that intent, the idea of throwing in the towel seems like nonsense.

Question: What is the biggest challenge you have faced along the way to your musical success?

Kat Riggins: As a petite woman who doesn't play an instrument, it was sometimes tough to get people to take me seriously as a band leader. It was frustrating, but fixable. So I dug my heels in and got busy building my reputation as a hard worker and as a bound and determined front woman. However, I'd say my biggest challenge continues to be my own reticence, but I'm working on that.

Question: What's a typical day like?

Kat Riggins: Now with this pandemic holding us all hostage and with my new record having just debuted on Gulf Coast Records, my days are all about finding ways to share my music. I wake up, say my prayers, fix myself a cup of Cafe Bustelo and get to work emailing, posting and doing interviews. I also try to stay creative for my sanity. Sometimes that means a song is conceived on that day. Sometimes it means that I'll paint something or cook something new to me or even just read a book. It all depends on how the spirit moves me that day!

Question: What has been your favourite part of becoming a music artist?

Kat Riggins: I love the feeling of knowing that I'm right where I oughta be! When a person comes up to me at a gig and expresses how my music has encouraged them or inspired them in some way, that's the best part! It let's me know that I am helping folks through some stuff... that I'm a light. That's all I ever want to be!

Question: What's next, for you?

Kat Riggins: I'll keep trying to do good through music! Although touring is a no go right now, we have a couple of music videos planned to help share "Cry Out". I am also working on possibly doing more drive-ins in the coming months. Hopefully my release party will motivate these kinds of venues to consider booking bands rather than the bands having to book the venues.

Question: Can you share your socials? (links please)

Kat Riggins: Sure! Folks can find me on
and remember to sign up for my mailing list here 

Interview by Gwen van Montfort


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