Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whiskey, 100 GREAT ICONS

Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whiskey, 100 GREAT ICONS
The world-famous Tennessee Whiskey, Jack Daniel's is proud to be listed as an icon in a new book '100 GREAT ICONS by Sydney writers Chris Sheedy and Jenny Bond released by Random House ($24.95).

Jack Daniel's celebrated 156 years in September 2006, and enjoys the title of the 'World's Number One Whiskey' due equally to the high quality of the product and the amazing legend and appeal of the story and man-behind-the-brand which makes Jack Daniel's an icon.

100 GREAT ICONS ranks Jack Daniel's as a top brand along with Rolls Royce, Tiffany & Co, and Chanel No 5. Also on the list are cultural icons such as the Eiffel Tower, the Paper Clip, Mona Lisa, Slinky, Post-Its and Scrabble.

Group Brand Manager for Jack Daniels at Brown Forman Australia, Jonny Croft said, "Jack Daniel's is thrilled to have secured a ranking in 100 Great Icons and we see our inclusion being reflective of the loyalty and passion that the Jack Daniel's legend inspires."

Writer Chris Sheedy says "An icon is, quite simply, something that goes beyond. It goes beyond practicality, beyond beauty, beyond cool, beyond popularity. It's a product or brand that has, over time, managed to imprint itself on our emotional memory. So when the brand is mentioned it sets off an emotional reaction in our mind, often a memory of great times."

Asked why he chose to include Jack Daniel's in 100 Great Icons, Chris is quick to reply: "Some of the greatest icons have reached their level of respect and brand loyalty because of their makers' history of ingenuity and sheer passion to do something, one particular thing, extremely well. Jack Daniels is one of these brands and, no matter where you are in the western world, it represents not only quality and taste, but also a special experience"

"Jack Daniel's actually means something! From JD's instantly-recognisable bottle design and label, to the type of person the drink has come to represent, to its unswerving brand values and its long history and great passion for providing a quality product in an unhurried fashion, Jack Daniel's is undoubtedly a great icon. Oh, and it tastes mighty fine too!"

100 GREAT ICONS is full of fascinating dinner-party facts, emotive memories, historically accurate detail and enthralling, believe-it-or-not stories of exactly how these amazing icons became more than just products.

About the Jack Daniel's range of Tennessee whiskey
  • Jack Daniel No. 7 - the award winning worldwide famous classic whiskey. RRP $42.99
  • Gentleman Jack Rare - silky, soft and delicate, this whiskey is charcoal mellowed before and after the aging process. RRP $55.99
  • Jack Daniel's Single Barrel - hand picked by Master Distiller Jimmy Bedford from the top floor 'angel roost' at the Jack Daniel's distillery. RRP $89.95.
    About Jack Daniel
    Jasper ("Jack") Newton Daniel life was born sometime in September 1850. He became a runaway at age six and at only 13 years old, Jack inherited the distillery from a Lutheran preacher named Reverend Dan Call (who decided to give up alcohol to refocus back on spiritual matters).

    At the age of 16 Jack officially registered the distillery with the US government (1866). Today it is the oldest registered distillery in the USA, as well as being on the National Register of Historic Places.

    Ironically, Jack's birthplace and the home of the renowned Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whiskey, Lynchburg Tennessee, is a dry state and since prohibition times in 1933, you have not legally been able to buy a drink there!

    The American icon's life ended in 1911, when he developed gangrene after kicking an old safe.

    100 Great Icons
    Randon House Australia
    Author: Chris Sheedy & Jenny Bond
    ISBN: 1741665019
    RRP: $24.95

    *The legal age for alcohol in Australia is 18*

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