Girl or Boy Find out fast with IntelliGender Kits

Girl or Boy Find out fast with IntelliGender Kits

Girl or Boy? Find Out From 8 Weeks

A home testing kit which allows parents to find out the sex of their baby from eight weeks into pregnancy, was today released in Australia.

Australian parents-to-be, can now discover the exciting news of the sex of theirbaby in the comfort and privacy of their home.

The IntelliGender® kit gives expecting couples a new milestone in theirpregnancy - finding out their baby's sex. The test can be taken from as early aseight weeks all the way through to the 34th week.

IntelliGender® is a non-invasive urine based test that provides results in just tenminutes. Just like a home pregnancy kit, you can tell the sex of your baby by thecolour match of the test.

IntelliGender® was today released in pharmacies, and has been proven tobe 90% accurate in laboratory tests of pregnant women.

The product is distributed by Early Image, and Director, David Portnoy saidIntelliGender® is in response to the demand from over 70% parents-to-be whowant to find out the sex of their babies before birth, equating to some 200,000couples each year.

"Seventy per cent of expecting parents want to know the sex of their baby beforebirth. But until now, the only opportunity for most couples has been to wait untilthe 20 week ultrasound scan.

"This is a very stressful time for parents, as the scan focuses on checking thehealth of the baby and identifying any birth defects. Gender determination is asecondary consideration, " said David.

"Many couples are also very disappointed to find at their 20 week scan that thebaby was in the wrong position to determine its gender. It's estimated that thiscan happen in as many as 25% of scans," he said.

"As health care providers will not make referrals just for gender determination,couples unsuccessful in determining the gender of their baby at 20 weeks willspend their whole pregnancy not knowing. IntelliGender® provides an immediatesolution to this problem.

"Celebrating this event in the comfort and privacy of the home environment, isalso a much more enjoyable way to mark this important milestone," said David.

How It Works?

The test measures a combination of hormones including the hcg hormone andthe difference in those hormones when a mother is pregnant with a female.Mothers pregnant with a male, and females not pregnant all test "boy" due to thelack of a specific confidential element within the combined hormones.IntelliGender® has been sold in the USA for over three years and is a wellestablished way for couples to confirm the sex of their baby. There is even astrong following on youtube for couples to film their tests.

Myths and Methods

The test, finally, allows expectant couples a quick and safe way to determinegender rather than having to rely on the many and varied myths and old wivestales used to guess the sex of a child such as:

o Carrying high or low - they say if it's high then you're having a girl and ifyou're carrying low, it's a boy.

o Craving sweet or savoury - it was said that if you're craving sweets, it's agirl.

o Weight gain - of the husband! The myth goes that if your husband orpartner puts on weight during pregnancy - it's a girl.

o The Pendant Test - swing a pendant over your belly and if it swings backand forth, you're having a girl. If it swings around, it's a boy.

o The Mothers Face - if it's round, full and rosy, you're having a girl.o Acne - if you have more acne, then apparently it's a girl.

o And finally - The Key Test. If you pick up a key from the thin end, thenyou're having a girl.

The IntelliGender® Kit is RRP $95.00 and available at good pharmacies.For further information you can visit the website or call Early Image on 1 300 pink or blue (7465 67 2583)


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