How to Stop Bedwetting Become the Boss of the Bladder

How to Stop Bedwetting Become the Boss of the Bladder

How to Stop Bedwetting

Each child's responsiveness to toilet training is unique. Some are terrific, some are tough and some are torturous to train. In addition, many children go on wetting the bed long after they are dry during the day. By age four, one in three children are still not dry during the night.

Wetting can be an embarrassing problem for many children and equally so for the parents. There are many myths that add to the parent's frustration in helping a child learn to control wetting.

This easy-to-read book shows the child and parent how the child can regain their self-esteem and control the trigger points to stop wetting.

Many Australian children go on wetting the bed long after they are dry during the day. By age four, one in three children are still not dry during the night. How to Stop Bedwetting is designed to help both children and parents gain some insight into the management and eventual control of wetting the bed.

The first part of the book is written in easy-to-understand language to read together with the child, and there are fun cartoons to illustrate the discussion. It aims to give the child the critical elements for successful management and prevention of wetting. That is - the motivations, the functional knowledge and the encouragement to take control.

The second part provides practical information for parents, covering:
· Common myths and misconceptions
· Facts about bladder control
· Types of wetting - day and night
· Practical strategies to ensure the child becomes the Boss of the Bladder

The third section describes the types of treatment which may be sought from professionals and gives some direction as to their effectiveness.

Facts about Bed Wetting:
· One in ten children up to the age of ten are still wetting the bed.
· Many parents are depressed and frustrated as to where to go next and parents and children NEED to know the facts.
· Children need to understand that their brain can control their bladder

Facts about Dr. Janet Hall's program:
· Of the children who use the Boss of the Bladder Program, 90% become dry.
· The KEY is the positive, caring treatment program that the Boss of the Bladder Program provides, where the child is encouraged to know that dryness is achieved by his or her efforts.

Review: Insightful and useful to help your child take control and allow you to cut down your washing.

How to Stop Bedwetting
Dr Janet Hall
ISBN: 9781742116310
RRP: $12.95

About Dr. Janet Hall

Dr. Janet Hall is a psychologist, hypnotherapist, sex therapist, author, professional speaker, trainer, and media consultant.

She consults regularly with print media and is a frequent guest on talk-back radio and current affairs shows. Jan was a regular for two years on the Sex Life television program in Australia.

She has a unique ability to encourage people to clarify their situation and solve their own problems with both heart (trusting intuition and feelings) and head (with logical analysis and rational prioritization). She believes that people deserve to feel empowered and allow themselves to be the best they can for the good of all.

Richmond Hill Psychology
Jan founded the Richmond Hill Psychology clinic which provides services to:
1. Adults (Specializing in Success Coaching, Relationships and Sex Therapy)
2. Children I Families (Specializing in Confidence, Self-esteem and Bedwetting)

Counselling across all age groups working with a variety of problems with a particular interest in relationship counselling, sex therapy, anxiety and stress management, goal-setting and problem solving.

Jan is a registered clinical psychologist and a full member of the Australian Psychological Society and Victorian Psychological Board. She has developed an eclectic style of psychological practice based on over 25 years of study and practice which has included neuropsychology and ability assessment, cognitive-behaviour therapy, hypnotherapy, and humanistic psychology (including psychodrama and rebirthing).

Presenter, Trainer, Educator & Humourist
Jan is an accredited member of the National Speakers Association of Australia. She is a powerful influencer and draws upon her hypnotic skills to inspire very effective creative visualizations during presentations. This is evident in her Treasure Map events - (the 'right-brain' creative version of goal-setting where participants create a visual map of their goals).


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