Picture this: you're dating someone new after your long-term relationship ended. The dates are progressing well, but you're yet to take it to the next level. You end up back at their place and things start heating up. You want to have sex, but suddenly your thoughts turn to sexually transmitted infections (STIs), safer sex and that you should really be using protection…
Will they provide a condom or should I?
Are they free of STIs? Am I? When was my last test?
What will they think of me if I bring out a condom?
Maybe we should start the conversation now… but how…?
Or maybe we'll just let go and worry about it next time.
The above scenario – or at least a version of it – is a reality for many people in Australia. The statistics confirm the story: rates of chlamydia (a common STI) are increasing nationally in certain age groups.
Chlamydia infections in younger women (aged 15-24 years) have decreased in recent years. However, rates have gone up in those aged 24 years and over. And, most alarmingly, from 2006 to 2015, in women over 40 years, the rates of infection have doubled.
Jean Hailes Specialist Women's Health GP, Dr Marnie Newman, explains the potential reasons behind this worrying trend for midlife women.
'A lot of women over 40 are re-entering the dating scene after the end of a marriage or long-term partnership," she says. 'They may feel that because they're older, the same risks and rules don't apply. They may feel that the dangers of STIs, such as causing infertility, don't matter because they no longer want to get pregnant. They may not know how to talk about condoms or which words to use, or they may feel it's their partner's duty to bring it up in conversation."
If you're struggling to find the right words or aren't sure how to broach the subject, here are some fast facts, hints and tips to help get you talking with your new partner.
Start with you
Before you kick off the conversation, Dr Newman suggests thinking first about your own wants and needs. Ask yourself questions like: -Am I ready for sex?' -Is our relationship ready for sex?' -What do I need from my partner to begin the next stage of our relationship in a happy and healthy way?'
Knowing what you want, and on what terms, can help give you confidence in what to say and how to say it.
Remember, sex is never 100% safe between two people unless:
You have both been tested negative for all STIs You have both had no sex with anyone else since your negative test results
You have both had no contact with any blood, semen, breast milk, vaginal fluids or saliva from anyone else since your negative test results.
Doctor's orders