Are you an independent go-getter? Are you a passionate and understanding person? Are you dependable and good under pressure?
Then you could be perfectly matched with a man in uniform!
Think about it – life with a uniform wearer would never be boring. It'd be filled with adventure, adrenaline, intelligence and, most of all, love. But, love is not -one size fits all' and it takes a certain someone to really understand the demands and even risks these uniform wearers experience every day.
Bespoke online dating site has landed in Australia to help you meet a true Aussie hero. They've done some research and found the need for a niche dating option in Australia is huge – most Aussies would like dating sites to be more tailored to their needs.
To top it off, Australia is a nation of uniform lovers, with a massive 82% saying they would love to date someone in uniform. In particular, it seems we like our love to come with a pulse! The medical profession came top of the list to get hearts racing, with doctors and nurses Australia's favourite uniformed heroes. Firefighters, paramedics and air stewards are some of the other top picks, so if a firey lights your fire, would be the site for you!
The great thing about men in uniform is that you can almost tell the kind of partner they're going to be by the type of uniform they wear. Why not take our quick quiz to find out which uniform wearer is the right pick for you?
1. What would your ideal date include?
a. A flight away to a secret spot
b. A weekend getaway to somewhere hot and humid
c. A candle lit dinner with intelligent conversation
2. What colour would you most go for?
a. Blue
b. Red
c. White
3. What best describes your personality?
a. Adventurous
b. Brave
c. Loving