Hardy's Wine Chronicles

Hardy's Wine Chronicles
Introducing three exciting wines from Hardys new range, Chronicles.

Each wine is a blend of a classic varietal with a new or emerging varietal or style and from a range designed to reflect the history and winemaking skills of Australia's most famous wine brand.

The mixed dozen includes Hardys Chronicles "The Gamble" Chardonnay Pinot Gris 2008, Hardys Chronicles "Twice Lost" Shiraz Cabernet Rosé 2008 and Hardys Chronicles "Butcher's Gold" Shiraz Sangiovese 2007.

Thomas Hardys belief that regional blending can better retain or strengthen the best characteristics andqualities of each variety resulted in some of the most unique and outstanding wines made in Australia inthe period 1940s to 1970s - the first step in establishing Hardys reputation for blending craftsmanship.The Chronicles extends the blending focus to varietals - blending traditional varieties with emergingvarietals - to create interesting and complex wines.

Hardy's Twice Lost 2008 Shiraz Cabernet Rose

One farmer's loss was winemaking's gain. Upon arriving in Australia Thomas Hardy's first job was to mind cattle for a local farmer. After managing to lose them twice, his master sent out two cowbells to ensure it didn't occur a third time. The bells worked, but fortunately for us, Thomas's destiny would be etched in wine not beef. These are the chronicles of the legendary Thomas Hardy.

Blending Shiraz and Cabernet in a Rose style produces a fragrant wine displaying bright juicy raspberry flavours and a refreshing lingering finish.

Hardy's The Gamble 2008 Chardonnay Pinot Gris

A gamble for some was to become one man's destiny. With little winmakeing knowledge but barrel loads of courage, Thomas packed his kit and sought a future in the New World. Through passion, determination, generosity and a touch of daring, that gamble led to the creation of one of Australia's most celebrated wine companies. These are the chronicles of the legendary Thomas Hardy.

The combination of Chardonnay and Pinot Gris provides a lively wine with juicy peach and pear flavours and a soft, creamy, mineral finish.

Hardy's Butcher's Gold 2007 Shiraz Sangiovese

Legend has it, Thomas Hardy made his money in the Victorian goldfields - and indeed he did - even though he never owned a miner's licence. Instead, he drove cattle all the way from South Australia and ingeniously opened a goldfields butcher's shop, making a handsome profit feeding the many hungry miners. These are the chronicles of the legendary Thomas Hardy.

A blend of Shiraz and Sangivese creating a wine of vibrant dark cherry and summer berry fruits with spice and savoury undertones.

Hardy's The Chronicles is widely available and will retail at $16.99.

To find out more visit: www.hardys.com.au/hardys.html


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