Shhhh I have a secret for you, I have found an online shopping site that offers unsurpassed luxury, fantastic service and guaranteed satisfaction for the discriminating women. Have you heard of Jimmyjane, LELO or a We Vibe? Do you know what a form2 is?
Let me fill you in, they are all luxury brands of sex toys with an emphasis on body safe materials, quality construction and, of course, serious pleasure. If you are in the market to purchase one, or are even curious to have a look, you cannot go past www.blacklabelsextoys.comAs Sarah from Black Label says "we have searched the planet and found the world's most beautiful, ergonomically designed sex toys in the safest, high tech materials". They stock the best luxury brands such as LELO form Sweden, Fun Factory from Germany, Rocks Off from England, the world renowned Jimmyjane from USA and We Vibe from Canada.
Shopping on is like going shopping on your favourite high fashion site. Beautiful images, plenty of information and great explanations of how things work. There is also a HIDE button, so if you are looking at work you can just click it to make sure you won't be discovered.
Black Label Sex Toys was started in 2007, when most of the online sites and outlets were uninspiring and perhaps a little bit on the seedy side. There was not a place where fashionable and discerning women could go to buy their personal essentials, so the chic Black Label Sex Toys was born.
If it is your first time or you are a seasoned player you will find shopping on Black Label a pleasure, they have distribution centres in Australia (head office) the USA and England, so you will receive your purchase quickly wherever you are located. All products arrive packed in a beautiful black velvet bag, which to me is very Dolce and Gabbana.
Exclusive to readers:
will give a free Jimmyane silk mask and cuffs (valued at $70 pictured above) with the first 20 orders over $180. Just put the word FEMAIL after your name when you order. Simple as that!