Ena Vie
Ena Vie (ee-nuh vee) has spent much of her life traveling...seeking truth and wisdom in various, ancient traditions around the world. From Israel to Europe, Buddhist Ashrams to Native Reservations in North and South America, Ena has spent a large portion of her life apprenticing from healers, teachers and musicians. After returning to her homeland and living in LA over the last few years, Ena has been bringing her musical gifts to venues all over Southern California. Now she is expanding her performances outside of LA, to share her message of love and healing. This essence is expressed most definitively in her voice and her presence, as she channels her connection with the divine through each devotional song.
Ena Vie weaves her travels throughout many lands and traditions through the sounds of ancient mantras, folkloric songs of Israel and earth songs of First Nation Peoples. Ena also sings her original works of uplifting and inspiring songs; her music invokes the ancestors while turning our hearts and consciousness within, toward the divine.Ena Vie sings her music in many languages, and most importantly, her message touches the soul with the language of love and devotion.
Ena Vie From Within:
Ena Vie sings honest and heart warming lyrics with soothing guitar accompaniments. 'Big Enough', the first track of From Within allows listeners to become familiar with Ena Vie's special voice vibration that allows clear, calm vocals. 'Firebird' showcases Ena Vie's powerful, yet soulful vocals and her ability to sing from the heart.
'Kissed' is my favourite track on From Within, the amazing sounds pair evenly with Ena Vie's tone, ensuring that 'Kissed' is the dominate track on this album.
'Temple Between Us' is an amazing track that is strong and influential, perfect for the last song. All of the songs on this CD are perfectly calming and could be enjoyed by all.
Big Enough
Down the Road
Miracle Walking
Ashes to Ashes
Channels of Creation
One... for Satiation
Saturn Man
You Say the Word
Temple Between Us

Interview with Ena Vie
How did it feel to hear your song played all over the airwaves?
Ena Vie: Really incredible. The first time I heard my music being played I cried...because I knew my dreams had become a reality.
Did you have any pre-conceived ideas about the music industry?
Ena Vie: Yes and no. Yes, because I believed initially, that if an artist had talent, this would ensure success. I have had to learn through hard work in promoting, playing, keeping the vision alive and belief in and love for what I do that this is what ensures success, no matter what that level is. In another sense, I didn't have pre-conceived ideas because in the beginning, I didn't know much about the industry. I learned through my own process, and this has taught me a great deal.
Do you write your own songs? What's your inspiration?
Ena Vie: Yes...I write all my music. So much inspires me: what I experience, lessons learned, dreams, nature, elements, stories of people, emotions, fears, triumphs, disappointments...
What music/artists do you listen to when you are not playing your own?
Ena Vie: I live and work in a studio environment, so I am always surrounded by new music being created.
What's next? Tour/Album/Single?
Ena Vie: Right now, I am working on a new single, which will debut this summer and be an early release before my upcoming album which drops in early 2011. I am also planning to tour next year with this album, so right now, I am laying the groundwork for all of this.
Was there a moment you contemplated throwing in the towel?
Ena Vie: No...there have been many moments!! The life of a musician is not an easy road...in one of my songs, "Down that Road" I wrote a line that says, "I didn't say it'd be easy, I just said I'd give you truth"...this line has surfaced many times for me in the process of being an artist, a musician and a performer. There is not a clearly defined path to walk in the world of music, and there have been many moments where I have thought, "am I crazy? Should I just do something that might provide more security? Less subjectivity?" Then I remember why I do what I do...it is because I love it, and there is nothing else that brings me the kind of joy that writing, singing, performing, sharing and connecting with fans can bring me. So this truth of my soul is what keeps me going.
Do you prefer performing live or recording?
Ena Vie: Before I recorded, I would have said performing for sure. But now that I have been working in both environments, I have found that both complement each other. There are so many great aspects of being an artist to discover in each setting and I am grateful to call myself a recording and performing artist.
What/who was your inspiration to go into the music industry?
Ena Vie: I have been singing, writing and performing from a very young age. I also spent many years traveling and exploring the world and different cultural perspectives and traditions. Throughout this journey, my music went with me wherever I would go. One day I woke up and said, "I want to record these songs that are in my soul...the time is now or never!" I found my way, through many friends and connections, to my producer, and since then, I have never looked back!
What is the biggest challenge you have faced along the way to your musical success?
Ena Vie: Staying strong in the vision, dream and message of my music in the midst of all the distractions that pull at me daily. Remembering why I do what I do, what inspires me and the people that I sing for...this is what keeps me centered, and this is also my biggest challenge, to stay in the center when some days it feels like a hurricane around me.
What's a typical day like?
Ena Vie: My typical day is...I don't have one! Some days I am recording, others I am writing, some days I am singing in town at local yoga centers or events and other days I am rehearsing for shows. I enjoy being involved in the local music scene and playing with artists who have become my friends over the years. Collaborating with them and creating more music seems to fill up a lot of my time. When I am not doing that, I enjoy giving back to the community in a variety of ways.
What has been your favorite part of becoming a music artist?
Ena Vie: I get to be around and involved in music every day! I feel like I have always been a music artist. My parents said I was singing before I was speaking, so it has been around me my whole life. I have, however, in the past 8 years or so, committed to the process more full time, and this has allowed me to write and record and put more time and attention to my work as a whole.
If you could collaborate with another artist, who would it be?
Ena Vie: I love great songwriters like: Joni Mitchell, Annie Lennox, Tori Amos, Bonnie Raitt, Bruce Springsteen, Carole King, Sheila Chandra...there are so many more artists I would love to work with!
Are you single? What do you look for in a partner?
Ena Vie: I wrote a song called "Saturn Man" I am including the lyrics below because I wrote this song when I was looking for a man...and this is what came out. Then...I met the most beautiful partner, and he lived up to all that I wrote...so I encourage anyone who is reading this to vision/dream/write about what you love in life, what you are looking for in a partner, what you desire to accomplish and watch the magic unfold!
Saturn ManChorus:
lookin' for a saturn man
someone who's gone through
the fiery damn, damn, damn
strong and fierce
alive here
free in the moment
without fear
siftin' in and out of the jungle
steppin' over the rubble
traversing what seems serious
while seriously shattering
entranced by the heat
of the sun
his gaze directed by the rays
of the moon
and the supersonic, ethereal
intergalactic boom, boom boom
swingin' round the rings of saturn
he plays profoundly in the underground
with hands that plant their way on through
meridians that are subject
to flesh and bones
tears and tones
the luminous is safely known
he's a man
he's a weathered fan
elevated by inspiration
he persists in his innovation
producing life creatively
with his honorable delivery
he's calling to his queen
to join him in the wild mines of
mysterium tremendum
Do you have a website fans can visit?
Ena Vie:
www.enavie.comCan you tell us 5 things required for a happy healthy & enjoyable life?
Ena Vie: Laughter/play/love/gratitude/friends (can I add one more? DOGS!)
What message would you like to say to your fans?
Ena Vie: Thank you for supporting my music, and I hope that what I do inspires you to do what you love. Be true to yourself, no matter what others may say or do around you, and may we all continue to give our gifts to the world and live the life we came here to live.
60 Second Quiz
Full Name: Ena Vie
Star Sign: Capricorn
Music Talent: vocals/guitar/songwriting
Favorite Food: any kind of fruit
Favorite Film: La Vie en Rose/Renegade/Avatar/Last of the Mohicans/Amelie/...these are just a few.
Favorite Actor: Kate Winslet/Marion Cotillard/Meryl Streep/Morgan Freeman
Pet: Sweetums (my American white shepherd)
Best Feature: Me!
Worst Feature: knees (after doing so many sports...they go out on me often!)
Person You Would Most Like to Meet: there are so many! (Rumi/Lalla Shwari/Hafiz/Joan of Arc/Martin Luther King/Ghandi/Mother Theresa/Richard Branson)
Hobbies/Interests: cooking/writing/biking along the beach/ritual & ceremony/traveling
First Job: baker's assistant
Are you a Pub, Bar or Club kind: not really any one kind...I play in many of these venues!
What Can You Never Leave Home Without: sunglasses and my phone...
What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning: so happy to be here one more day!
Interview and review by Brooke Hunter