In today's competitive global market, every business can do with Business Intelligence to give them an edge over their competitors.
If you can obtain Business Intelligence (BI) information on a competitor, you can use this to your advantage, such as in creating new strategies, formulating action plans and arming you with information to better compete. BI information can be extremely valuable and a must have for any serious business.
This is not business espionage, this is using and accessing BI data from online Business Intelligence tools and solutions, that any business can subscribe to and use to their benefit and competitors detriment.
A number of companies, such as offer a business intelligence solution, where they compile and analyse internet usage statistics to create a powerful Business Intelligence tool that no business should be without. The data is obtained from a user panel and ISP logs, which enables Trellian to provide simply amazing Business Intelligence reports on all of your key online competitors.
Some of the competitor reports available include:
To learn more, simply visit Business Intelligence tool and try the free online demo.