Brooke Law Home

Brooke Law Home

London-born British singer and songwriter, Brooke Law, releases a hard-hitting and highly emotive new single, 'Home', for Christmas 2020, with 100% of proceeds going to UK  Charity, Crisis.  

Brooke, has been hugely influenced by her diverse multi-ethnic family all her life and has exceptionally strong family unit and values. Living in London, she has been moved by the effects of the current crisis that has affected so many individuals and families, leading to increased homelessness, poverty and loneliness.  

"I can't imagine not being home at Christmas with my family and the thought of being all  alone or unable to be comforted by loved ones at such a difficult time really affected me. I just felt that I could be doing more to help someone less fortunate than I am," says Brooke.  

It is from this bedrock of family 'unity-through-diversity', strength, and positive action that motivates Brooke to express her values and beliefs through her music and that inspired the lyrics for Home, a song that poignantly conveys the sadness of finding yourself apart from a loved one at Christmas.  

"There are 320,000 homeless people in the UK, and we can all give a gift of a Crisis Christmas to give a homeless person a home on Christmas day. I hope that my song will not only reach out emotionally to those in need, but will also provide some practical help  through donations," she said.
No one should be homeless and alone this Christmas. Change someone's life  this Christmas. Your donation direct to Crisis or via the download or purchase of "Home",  could help someone take the first step towards leaving homelessness for good. More info here.  

"Home" is currently available worldwide and can be downloaded/purchased on your favourite streaming platform. 


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