Aunty Rozzy Incredible Edible Alphabet & Nanna's Carrots

Aunty Rozzy Incredible Edible Alphabet & Nanna's Carrots

Happy Music with a Healthy Message for Kids -It's a veggie revolution!-

Through engaging music and larger than life characters, Aunty Rozzy® books and cds have found the way to children's hearts and minds the world over and in turn the parents too. The Aunty Rozzy® series is rejuvenating the profile of veggies through engaging words and song to make them appear interesting andmore appealing. It's a veggie revolution!

In an increasingly crowded marketplace, the decision to buy educational but fun children's products hasbecome more than just difficult for most parents. The dilemma is in finding quality children's products that areengaging and communicate positive messages. Aunty Rozzy®'s children's books and cds do exactly this.Incorporating healthy eating messages, encouraging children to read, getting them to dance, sing and beactive - with a large dose of good, old fashioned fun thrown in too!

Lead by characters such as Perry the Parrot and Harriette the Rabbit with her futuristic chariot, 'Nanna'sCarrots' the orange vegetable takes on a whole new persona and is transformed into a celebrity food thatmakes it incredibly attractive to young ones. Children are lead through a veritable list of ways to eat carrotstherefore expanding knowledge of the food and taking away the 'yucky' vegetable profile it had before'Nanna's Carrots' came on to the scene.

'The Incredible Edible Alphabet' in a similar way uses association between the alphabet, adjectives andfoods. For example, A is for awesome apples and B is for brilliant bread. This format means children gain abetter understanding of the alphabet, learn new words but ultimately it provides positive reinforcement abouthealthy eating habits and encourages learning.

The Aunty Rozzy® series is like MTV for kids but with a difference. Clear educational messages includinghealth and well being are then accompanied by fun activities such as dancing to the music, reading alongwith the audio book and singing karaoke style on the accompanying CD. The book and cd sets have beencreated for children two to eight years of age.

Australian born Ros Tesoriero, who has been a professional musician and educator since 1987, foundedAunty Rozzy® publications. The Aunty Rozzy® series came to fruition as a result of her nephew Charlie,who proclaimed at the family dinner table one day, that he did not like carrots. Ros, responded by statingthey were Nanna's carrots and gave them a fresh new look, Charlie changed his mind about carrots, theysuddenly appeared interesting and fun. Ros thought if the approach worked on Charlie it could work for otherchildren and the rest is history.

Tesoriero realised that by making food fun for children it opened a gateway to encourage them to consumegood food and in turn would assist in encouraging good eating habits from a young age. The Aunty Rozzy®book and CD series promotes increased knowledge while also providing entertainment and ultimately addingto the health of children from childhood and into adulthood.

The books complete with cds cost $29.95 and are available for purchase at

The Aunty Rozzy® site also features wonderful games for children to play and learn.


Aunty Rozzy® Series
It's a Veggie Revolution!

"My son Cruz enjoys reading "The Incredible Edible Alphabet" book everyday. From it he's able to match theuppercase and lowercase of the alphabet. He sings and dances to the song wherever we go! The mixture ofillustrations and real photography looks great. We're looking forward to the next book from Aunty Rozzy."- Says Jocelyn Fandino

"I have 3 year old twins. Like any 3 year olds all they want to eat is pasta and chocolate…anythingvegetable gets ignored, so I need a little help in getting veggies even on the menu. Enter "Nanna's Carrots"which actually has fun with vegetables and uses song (which for my guys who are budding pop starsis perfect!!). So I started with carrots under the pretence they were really Nanna's carrots and they lovethem, just because they can relate to them. One by one, day by day I'm getting veggies on their platesand it helps immensely when they sing the song themselves!! Albeit I can't get the verse out of my head."- Paul Edwards, Melbourne, Australia

Dear Ms Tesoriero, Thank you so much for letting Ruby bring "Nanna's Carrots" home for us to read. A greatlittle book. Ruby is enjoying the music too. Nonno had the three girls planting vegetables in our garden in thehope that growing their own would encourage them to eat the produce. We have carrots growing now. -Thanks again, Lesley Pinelli, Mosman, Sydney

I just wanted to let you know that my daughter woke up this morning singing "Nanna's Carrots" andasking me can she have carrots today. Well done and look forward to supporting you through our children.- Best regards, Patrick Barallon (Melbourne)


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