A Child's Thoughts on Staring Kindergarten
Please plan the beginning of the day so that I don't have to be rushed there or I get confused, worries or irritable.
Don't push me inside the door and run. It makes me unhappy as if you want to get rid of me. Come and look with me at all the interesting things I do.
Please don't slip away without saying 'good-bye' or I will be afraid that you may leave for good. When you leave tell me when you will be back and try to be on time or I worry.
Please don't ask about me when I am in earshot, I don't miss much and I worry about what I hear; the teacher will always be happy to find a place or time to talk.
Send me to kindergarten in clothes I can play in and get myself on the toilet easily in. Clothes that are comfortable and easy to wash are best and I can play without fussing about getting dirty. I might need to get on the toilet quickly and long skirts, buckles or belts get in the way.
When you come to collect me please don't ask the teacher if I've been good. I try to be, but sometimes things go wrong and I don't' want to be reminded of my mistakes.
Sometimes I spend a long time making something and I am proud of it. If you laugh or dismiss it I do not feel ready to tackle more difficult tasks.
What makes me feel good is if you show that you are really pleased to see me and are ready to look if I have something to show you.
But most of all… JUST LOVE ME.