The Zone Diet was developed by Dr. Barry Sear, an American, of course, who based his findings on 15 years of research as a bio-nutritionist. This diet focuses on the biochemical linkage between food and the body's production of insulin.
Dr Sears asserts that because the production of insulin is determined by one's diet, he says that eating the appropriate balance of carbohydrates; protein and fat will encourage the body to produce ideal levels of insulin. This means that the body will not fall or go above it's required insulin level - thus helping people maintain a healthy weight range and high energy levels.
Dr Stears also concludes that combining food properly and regulating insulin levels helps the body bum old fat instead of producing new fat.
The overriding principals of the Zone Diet are first to ensure that the body receives an adequate supply of low-fat protein at each meal, (white fish and lean chicken), and second, eat proteins, fats and fibre-rich foods like fruit and veg, in a ratio for which the body is genetically programmed.
An accompanying book describes this reasoning in detail and it is quite an interesting concept and very similar to the G.1 Factor that 1 reported on some time ago.
In a nutshell is says that by consuming the proper ratio of low-density carbohydrates, to fat, to protein, an individual can begin controlling his/her insulin production. By doing this, the body is able to bum excess fat and enjoy increased energy without the cravings that are associated with deprivation dieting or the shakes from having not enough or too much insulin.
The Zone Diet allows you to eat most foods that are low in fat, but encourages you to only have pasta, breads and grains as small side orders rather than as the staple of a meal.
This eating plan also suggests that people eat six small meals a day rather than three main ones to keep insulin level consistent. Nutritionists have been declaring this for years.
Stay fit, healthy and enjoy living. Don't forget to order your fresh fruit, veg and a host of other grocery goodies at
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Angie K - caring for your health and well