A Cookbook With A Difference

A Cookbook With A Difference
It's fast, fresh and easy to prepare, so how can it be delicious as well? The Heart Foundation have just released a scrummy cookbook that makes healthy eating not just simple but easy. Plus all proceeds from cookbook sales go towards the Heart Foundation's life-saving research and prevention programs. Save yourself and others!

Healthy eating does not mean you have to give up everything that tastes good. The recipes are from Deliciously Healthy, one of the cookbooks developed by the National Heart Foundation of Australia. As well as fantastic recipes, the Heart Foundation cookbook is packed with handy information and tips for healthy eating. All the recipes have been tested by nutritionists and meet strict guidelines on fat, sodium (salt), dietary fibre and added sugar, and to help you watch what you eat, each recipe also has a list of the nutrients provided in the meal.

Below are some tips for healthy eating provided by the Heart Foundation, but remember that eating a healthy diet is not a solution on its own. You need to support healthy eating by being physically active to gain all the benefits.

Simple tips for healthy eating:
  • Use margarine spreads instead of butter or dairy blends
  • Use a variety of oils for cooking - some suitable choices include canola, sunflower, soybean, olive and peanut oils
  • Use salad dressings and mayonnaise made from oils such as canola, sunflower, soybean and olive oils
  • Choose low or reduced fat milk and yoghurt or 'added calcium' soy beverages. Try to limit cheese and ice-cream to twice a week
  • Have fish (any type of fresh or canned) at least twice a week
  • Select lean meat (meat trimmed of fat and chicken without skin). Try to limit fatty meats including sausages and delicatessen meats such as salami
  • Snack on plain, unsalted nuts and fresh fruit
  • Incorporate dried peas (e.g. split peas), dried beans (e.g. haricot beans, kidney beans), canned beans (e.g. baked beans, three bean mix) or lentils into two meals a week
  • Make vegetables, and grain based foods such as bread, pasta, noodles and rice the main part of each meal
  • Try to limit take-away foods to once a week. Take-away foods include pastries, pies, pizza, hamburgers and creamy pasta dishes
  • Try to limit snack foods such as potato crisps and corn crisps to once a week
  • Try to limit cakes, pastries and chocolate or creamy biscuits to once a week
  • Try to limit cholesterol-rich foods such as egg yolks and offal (e.g. liver, kidney and brains)

Related Link:
  • Vegetable Lasagna Stacks with Pesto
  • Warm Potato and Salmon Salad
  • Chocolate Mousse with Fresh Berries

    Brought to you by The Heart Foundation.
    More tasty, healthy recipes are available in The Deliciously Healthy Cookbook on: 1300 36 27 87 or www.heartfoundation.org.au.
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