Why Employee Assistance Programs Are Ideal For Workplaces

Why Employee Assistance Programs Are Ideal For Workplaces

Every employer aims to have a successful business or company. That's why taking care of your employees should be one of your priorities because you need productive, talented, and loyal people to attain your short-term and long-term goals.

In every workplace, it is vital to have an employee benefit program, like an Employee Assistance Program or EAP, that can assist employees with work-related and personal problems that can affect physical and mental health, psychological well-being, and job performance. Learn more about the importance of EAP in the workplace by continuing to read below.

Every Employee Is A Unique Individual

An Employee Assistance Program or EAP is a free service offering evaluation, short-term counseling, and referrals of employees having work or personal issues that may significantly affect their job. Every employee goes through rough times, experience burnout, or get stressed, not only at work but also at home.

It's good to have an avenue to express thoughts and emotions. Employee Assistance Programs are work-based programs that can address complex issues affecting emotional and mental well-being, such as family problems, grief, alcoholism, drug abuse, and psychological disorders. An EAP goes a long way in creating a strong, productive, and happy team.

EAP counselors can help each employee cope with and prevent the following:
● Trauma due to humiliation in front of the boss or other colleagues
● Workplace violence, like sexual harassment
● Domestic violence
● Emergency response situations, like data leakage, slip or fall accidents

Keep Employees Happy and Productive

One of the most important responsibilities of any employer is to ensure that employees are happy in the workplace. Unfortunately, there are times when problems arise within the workplace, at home, or in social circles, preventing employees from performing at their best, leading to a sharp reduction in focus and productivity, which can also negatively affect the rest of the team.

You can address these issues by recognizing the benefits of an Employee Assistance Program in helping keep your employees healthy and happy. It's a workplace wellness program specifically designed to boost performance by proactively helping your employees resolve personal and work-related issues. Also, the benefits and services of an EAP are available to each employee's spouse, children, and extended family.

EAP offers short-term and confidential support, including the following:
● Financial advice
● Legal support

● Mental health counseling
● Elderly care
● Childcare
● Pet sitting
● First time home buying

Reduce the Costs Associated with Poor Performance

One study in Canada shows that about 66% of participants had performance issues before the EAP assistance, which resulted in an average loss of $1,603 in a month and about $13,000 yearly for employers. After EAP assistance, the employer costs decreased to 74%, saving employers more than $9,000 every year.

Employees Need a Strong Support System

The mental health of an individual has a major impact on the mental health of the workplace. That's why it should be every employer's best interest to ensure that employees can handle life's difficulties.

EAP providers can make the lives of your employees a lot easier by providing a reliable support system. A trusted and reputable EAP provider can help your employees find positive ways to handle stressful situations, thus promoting employee mental health.

Here are the benefits of EAP to workplace mental health:
● Reduce depression and suicide attempts
● Relieve chronic stress and anxiety
● Reduce workplace conflicts
● Learn positive coping mechanisms

Reduce Sick Leaves and Absenteeism
Employees who are distracted by personal problems tend to become less creative and motivated at work. It translates to fewer days off work and fewer doctor visits dealing with different medical issues. Encouraging employees to use EAP reduces the number of sick leaves taken. EAP services can help employees reduce stress-related illnesses by offering access to healthcare professionals like psychologists and health coaches.

EAP saves a company's money in workers compensation and health insurance in the long run. Addressing mental health issues can save businesses money on healthcare costs due to short-term disability claims, lower usage of medical insurance, and fewer absences.

Encourage a More Positive Work Environment

If any of your employees are experiencing stress-related issues, like decreased performance, health problems, and absenteeism, the overall workforce can be affected. People who experience a high-stress level can become less communicative, argumentative, and defensive at work.

EAP providers can help troubled employees by providing support and outlets to discuss issues. With EAP, employee experiences can improve stress-levels, positively affecting co-workers. That's why employers need to ensure that employees are aware of EAP. Knowing that EAP providers won't disclose any information, even to the employer, will give peace of mind and comfort to workers who are hesitant to undergo the program, most especially when it comes to mental health and other sensitive issues.

Here are some tips to let your employees take advantage of EAP:
● Explain to your employees about the new EAP service and what it offers.
● Explain the benefit of EAP and how your employees can access it.
● Distribute info sheet or pamphlets, hold learning sessions, and place posters to give your employees a comprehensive review of the employee assistance program.
● Emphasize to your employees that all personal information given to EAP providers are strictly confidential.

Increased Employee Retention

According to a survey conducted by the American Psychological Association, 51% of workers choose to stay in their jobs because of good working relationships. An employee assistance program can help employees remain productive, always present, and happier in the workplace. An EAP is useful in retaining and attracting millennial employees, who are less hesitant to ask for help when dealing with mental health issues. Companies or businesses comprised of a majority of millennials will likely appreciate EAP.


Employers can implement employee assistance programs or EAP intended to ensure that the mental health and well-being of employees are given close attention and intervention. An EAP is ideal for every workplace because every employee faces life challenges that may compromise mental health. With the services offered by EAP providers, employees become more productive, happier, and healthier, which greatly benefit employers and businesses.


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