What's Really In Your Handbag?

What's Really In Your Handbag?

What's Really In Your Handbag?

Ever had someone super nosey look into your handbag and make comments about how full of rubbish it is? To them, sure, it might be brimming with an assortment of the most random stuff. But for you? It's literally your lifeline, and you'd be lost without it. Don't believe us? You'll see what we mean!

Boredom Busters!
Huh? The humble handbag... staving off boredom? Think of all the things you can fit inside it. Even just looking at your mobile phone, there's a whole heap of ways that it gives you hours of fun. Whether you're chatting away on a messaging app or listening to a streaming service, no matter where you are, you're bound to stay entertained. There are even things you might not have thought of - for example, updating a blog on the go, downloading the Kindle app. Who says you can't do everyday activities from the touch of the button on one little device?

Of course, your handbag can fit ACTUAL books and activities in, too, so there's no need to feel entirely restricted by our modern times!

Make Up Artists & Hair Stylists
Whether you're stuffing the latest lipgloss, contour kits or moisturisers in there, there are so many ways to beautify on the go. We can also shove our hairbrush, deodorant, and even those mini perfume bottles in, too. When it comes to looking good whilst out and about, it's so easily done, because almost everything comes in a mini these days.

Don't forget though, when travelling, you need to ensure you've got all your liquids packed up into a little plastic bag, with everything under 100ml. If not, the only thing you're going to be telling people is that you really, really want border patrol to throw your cosmetics away - eek. It's for your safety.

Emergency Kits
From spilling an ice cream down yourself on a hot day, to getting the worst allergies in the world, your handbag can literally be your lifesaver. Thanks to hand sanitizer and tissues, medication and nasal sprays, you can solve any problem straight away, without being in a total mess for the rest of the day! Whether you need tampons or tweezers, just be sure you're never caught out. Obviously, there are loads of other emergencies you can cover as well. We've all had those nights where we've gone a little too hard the night before, and so be sure to always stuff plenty of pain pills in, as well as a bottle of water and some Vitamin C, for those awful hangovers!

Your handbag says a lot about you - so just be sure that it tells the story you need it to tell!


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