Managing your weight without the extremes

Managing your weight without the extremes
  • A whopping 84% of Aussies are unhappy with their current weight  
  • Over half (52%) consider themselves overweight; with 28% thinking about their weight daily 
  • 74% are hesitant to act on their weight concerns 
  • Weight loss expert champions community support to combat weight loss stigma, and to help Aussies achieve weight loss goals 

In a year of elevated stress levels thanks to cost of living, consecutive rate rises and the general work life juggle, new research1 has revealed that weight related concerns are also adding to the pressures felt by everyday Aussies.  

Research released today by leading weight loss brands, The Lady Shake, shows a whopping 84% of Australians are unhappy with their current weight. While more than half the nation (52%) considers themselves overweight, approximately one in seven (14%) admit to rarely or never being happy with their weight.  

And according to the data, this sentiment is causing the nation to worry…a lot! 

Close to two thirds (61%) of Aussies consider losing weight at least once a week, while for over a quarter (28%), it consumes their thoughts daily. And it's not just women who are worrying, with data showing men care about their waistlines almost as much as their female counterparts (30% vs 36%). 

Sadly, these woes are leading to people feeling overwhelmed (12%), stressed and anxious (7%), which could explain why many Aussies (74%) aren't willing to do anything about their weight concerns.   

Shame is a barrier to seeking support. 

Reflecting on the research findings, The Lady Shake Community Ambassador and nutritionist, Georgia Wendt comments that feeling overwhelmed and anxious can often prevent people from taking the first step and seeking support in their bid to lose weight. 

Wendt says: "One in five people don't know where to start their weight loss journey. But the startling fact is almost half of Australians are hesitant to seek expert advice due to embarrassment, fear of judgment, or perceived stress," says Nutritionist, Georgia Wendt." 

"The weight loss journey doesn't have to be stressful or lonely. In fact, building a supportive network and community can be a powerful tool and should be part of anyone's weight loss plan.  

"My clients have often said online communities have best helped them. For example, over half a million Aussies have found support, advice and motivation in The Lady Shake online community. Their story is more than just a shake but about igniting a transformative health movement and I'm 100% right behind them."  

Founded by NRL legend Adam MacDougall, The Lady Shake is not just healthy, convenient and tasty solutions to weight loss but also the beacon of hope amidst Australia's obesity crisis. Crafted with high-protein, high-fibre and low-sugar, these shakes are designed specifically for men and women, leading over 500,000 everyday Aussies towards healthier lives. 

Aussie attitudes towards extreme dieting.  

While most Aussies would take the healthier approach to weight loss, focusing on exercise and healthy eating (65%), at least one in ten (10%) had or were prepared to try extreme diets to shed the kilos quickly.  


Some of the more common measures were appealing with half the nation (42%) indicating they have or would quit sugar, ditch the carbs (36%), or opt for the juice diet (28%).  


On the more extreme side of things, one in five (19%) have or would take up smoking, eat only baby food (10%) or consider Ozempic (5%), a diabetic drug used for weight-loss – while over a third (31%) of the nation would go so far as sleeping for most of the day to avoid food temptation!  


Wendt says: "It's alarming to note the lengths some will go to. From adopting extreme diets like consuming only baby food to considering drugs meant for other health issues, the desperation is evident," observes Georgia. 


"Effective weight loss is a blend of diet, exercise and strong support. It's time we refocus on wholesome nutrition and the invaluable support of community networks. No one should feel alone or ashamed on this journey," Georgia concludes. 


Georgia's top tips to spring-clean your diet:  

1.      Drink more water  

During winter this habit slips by the wayside, water is essential for so many processes in the body and plays a large role in weight loss. Increasing your water intake above two litres per day makes a great starting point and will have you feeling great! 

2.      Become a protein fan 

Most of my clients aren't consuming adequate amounts of protein. Protein is key for satiety and a gamechanger for weight loss. It has been proven to aid in weight loss and consuming it at all main meals will keep you feeling full until your next meal and assists in reducing cravings and excess snacking. 

3.      Don't skip meals  

Yes, that's right, stop skipping those meals! Spacing out your meals across the day will help you to lose weight. Skipping meals can actually slow your metabolism, meaning you won't be burning fat. It also affects your hormone and insulin levels, so when you do finally sit down to eat you are more likely to make unhealthy choices.
If you are rushed, a meal on the go like The Lady Shake is a great option that's packed full of nutrition that gives your body everything it needs to help you lose weight and stay fuller for longer!. 

4.      Use your downtime wisely  

I'm not lying when I say you can lose the wine bloat without losing all of the wine! Going on a diet doesn't mean you have to completely cut out the wines. Try and stick to no more than three drinks per week and stay away from high calorie beverages like cocktails.    

5.      Squeeze in more movement 

Exercise is important. It makes you feel great and burns calories. If you can set aside time for a 30-60 minute workout that's ideal, but if not you can still find time to exercise. Consider breaking up your exercise to fit your schedule. I recommend 30 minutes of moderate exercise per day so if you do 10 minutes in the morning, 10 minutes at lunch and another 10 minutes at night – then you've achieved that! It may not seem like much at the time, but everything adds up.


Mellissa was heading towards 50 and was suffering from anxiety and feeling overwhelmed due to her weight!

Mellissa would experience thoughts of her weight every day prior to losing weight. She suffered from anxiety when walking into clothes stores and would feel overwhelmed when having to attend events.

"I didn't feel like I could wear something that would make me fit it at events as I was so large, I would wear kaftans," said Mellissa.

"I would always be the one taking the photos at events so I wouldn't appear in photos," added Mellissa.

It got to a point where Mellissa would huff and puff on simple walks and when she would get ill she wouldn't recover.

Mellissa knew it was time to make a change for the better and saw The Lady Shake advert on the side of a bus heading home from Shoalhaven Heads.

"I read up on the product, put in my first order and joined The Lady Shake Facebook community group.

"Although my husband and son supported me through my decision, the community helped me to overcome feelings of loneliness and minimised the stress and anxiety I felt about my weight. "Being able to share my weight loss journey with others kept me motivated and ensured I didn't take any drastic diet measures.

"It has also been a great place of encouragement and all the members share advice and handy tips to assist you on your journey.

"The Lady Shake community combined with The Lady Shake helped me change habits to lose 36kgs and continue to make healthy decisions to maintain my weight," concludes Mellissa.




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