Fire & Incident related Information Services
Urgent Threat to Alert - Beechworth 1.30am 10/02/2009
Downgrade Message - Urgent Threat to Alert for residents of Dederang, Gundowring, Gundowring Upper, Glen Creek, Kergunyah South, Mudgeegonga and Running Creek.
Yea Murrindindi Fire 0600am 10/02/2009
Alert Message Yea Murrindindi Fire Yarck, Caveat. Taggerty, Cathedral Lane and Rubicon, Connellys Creek, Acheron, Crystal Creek, Crystal Creek Road, Narbethong, Scrubby Creek and along Whanregarwen Road from the Maroondah Highway near Alexandra
Urgent Threat to Alert - Churchill Jeeralang Fire, 11.30pm 09/02/2009
Downgrade Message - Urgent Threat to Alert for residents of the Won Wron area.
Urgent Threat Message Beechworth Fire 2.00am 09/02/2009
Urgent Threat Message The Beechworth fire is continuing to threaten for the areas of Stanley, Bruarong, Dederang, Gundowring, Gundowring Upper, Kancoona, Kancoona South, Coral Bank, Glen Creek and Running Creek.
Alert Message - Yea-Murrindindi Fire (formerly Murrindindi Mill), 9.30pm
Alert Message for Residents of Yarck and Caveat
Alexandra under threat from bushfire 09/02/2009
Alexandra, Molesworth & Yarck now under threat.
Urgent Threat to residents of Healesville, Yarra Glen and Chum Creek 10.55pm 09/02/2009
Urgent Threat to residents of Toolangi Fire 9.45pm 09/02/2009
Alert Message - Redesdale-Coliban Park Road Fire (Glenhope community), 8.00pm 09/02/2009
Alert Message for the communities of Glenhope and in the areas of Boyers Rd, Haries Lane, Buntings Rd and Coombe Lane
Alert Message - Bunyip Ridge Fire 7.30pm 09/02/2009
communities in the area of Powelltown, Gilderoy, Three Bridges, Basan Corner and Saint Benedicts.
Urgent Threat to Alert - Churchill Jeeralang Fire, 5.30pm
Kinglake Bushfire effects following regions
communities of Clonbinane, Wandong, Flowerdale, Hazeldene, Tallarook, Heathcote Junction, Broadford, Strath Creek, Tyack, Yea, Homewood, Kerrisdale, Trawool
Alert Message Update Murrindindi Mill Fire 5am 09/02/2009
Alert Message Update Murrindindi Mill Fire 5am
Alert Message Kilmore East Fire 3.30am 09/02/2009
Alert Message for Kilmore East Fire at 3.30am
Alert Message - Update - Churchill Jeeralang Complex (Glendonald Road) Fire, 10.00pm 09/02/2009
Alert Message for communities of Hazelwood South, Jeeralang, Jeeralang North, Jeeralang Junction, Balook, Le Roy, Jumbuck, Valley View Budgree East, Traralgon South, Callignee, Calignee North, Calignee South, South, Carrajung Lower, Won Wron, Woodside, De
Alert Message - Residents of Healesville,Yarra Glen, Chum Creek,12.30pm 08/02/2009
Awareness Message - Update - Bunyip Ridge Fire, 9.30pm 08/02/2009
Awareness Message for the communities of Warragul, Labertouch and surrounds
Awareness Message - Update Dargo White Timber Spur 6.00 pm 08/02/2009
Awareness message for the communities in the Dargo area
Alert Message Redesdale-Coliban Park Road Fire 6.30 pm 08/02/2009
Alert Message for the commuity of Redesdale- Coliban Park Road Fire
Victorian Bushfires still range with Beechworth continuing to be threaten plus the areas of Stanley, Bruarong, Dederang, Gundowring, Gundowring Upper, Kancoona, Kancoona South, Coral Bank, Glen Creek and Running Creek. The fire front has crossed the Yackandandah Dederang Road into the Mt Big Ben area and whilst relatively quiet may impact on the Kergunyah South, Kergunyah and Gundowring North communities during the morning.
Spotting activity reported earlier on the east side of the Kiewa River between Running Creek and Coral Bank also appears to be relatively quiet at the moment, however the Eskdale and Little Snowy Creek communities will need to remain aware.
It is still anticipated that the fire will continue to move into the area south of Yackandandah this morning. Milder conditions are being experienced at the moment however residents in the Yackandandah area are advised that this fire could still impact on their properties and that they should be vigilant, listen for updates and be ready to activate their fire plans.
All residents in the area of this fire are encouraged to go over their plans and prepare themselves for the event of fire. Residents are reminded that they should make the decision to stay with the house or leave early, well before a fire could threaten their house.
Core Advice
Residents in this area may experience smoke and burning embers reaching their properties, and are advised to patrol their houses to find and put out any burning embers that may be landing.
Protect yourself from radiant heat by wearing correct protective clothing consisting of long-sleeved shirts, long pants, sturdy boots and a broad brimmed hat. On no account should synthetic material be worn.
As the fire front approaches, it will be unsafe to be either on foot or in a car as the heat radiating from the fire will be intense. Buildings will offer the best protection during the passage of a fire front. Close all doors and windows and stay inside the house while the fire passes. Remain alert, extinguish any small fires and if necessary, move outside to burnt ground once the fire has passed.
If you are caught on the road, don't get out and run.
Pull to the side, preferably in an area clear of tall trees and long grass.
Put your hazard lights on and close the windows and vents.
Cover any exposed areas of skin with a woollen blanket and get down as low as possible.
Only when the fire has passed do you get out and move to safety.
Drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration.
Residents away from home should not try to return to the area as access is limited and the roads may not be safe.
Continue to listen to ABC or local radio for updates on this fire.
For information on fires in Victoria and general fire safety advice, please contact the Victorian Bushfire Information Line (VBIL) on freecall 1800 240 667.
Callers who are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech / communication impairment may call textphone/ telewriter (TTY) on 1800 122 969. Information is also available at or

Emergency contacts
In a life-threatening emergency, or to report a fire, call 000.
If you can see flames, call the Country Fire Authority's information line on
1800 240 667. The CFA says their call centre is being overwhelmed, so people should consider how urgent their call is.
The SES number is 132 500.
To find out about missing family or friends call Red Cross Family Reunification on 1800 727 077
The Red Cross Blood Service can be contacted on 131 495 - there is no shortage of blood yet, but appointments can be made
The ABC SMS number is 19 774 774.

Offer Help or Ask for Help
To offer help - or ask for it - please click on the link below.
Stay tuned to ABC Local Radio for updates and advice on bushfires in your area.
The Bushfire Information Line is 1800 240 667.
People going to relief centres (or people trying to locate family or friends) should phone the Red Cross State Inquiry Centre on 1800 727 077
From the Prime Minister
Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund: 1800 811 700
Blankets, food, clothing and other everyday items have been flooding in. What they bushfire victims need now is money donated to rebuild.
Dig deep to help fellow Australians rebuild their lives from the devastation that the Victorian bushfires have caused.
Offer alternative help, accomodation, wildlife assistance, agjistment for stock Salvation Army is provided immediate clothing relief for families in bushfire affected areas.
Government Assistance
Grants for those immediately effected:
$22,000 grant for people who have lost their homes
$5000 - funeral fund for families affected by death
$1000 per adult emergency relief
$400 per child emergency relief
Government has allocated $10 million dollars to help rebuild townships & housing.
Victorian Bushfire Blog - How have they affected you and those you know?