The Ultimate Natural Beauty Bible

The Ultimate Natural Beauty Bible

The Ultimate Natural Beauty Bible

In this latest in their bestselling Beauty Bible series, health and beauty experts Josephine Fairley and Sarah Stacey bring together everything a woman needs to know about feeling great, looking gorgeous and being fabulous using all-natural products. Chapters include guidance on skin, hair, make-up, hands, feet and nails, sleep, exercise and much more. And of course Jo and Sarah's trademark -tried and tested' reports on scores of health and beauty products – reliably tested by over 2,000 women. There are also recipes to make your own organic, homemade cosmetics and explanations of the natural benefits these provide. Packed with insider info from the world's leading experts, this is the bible for all women, showing you how to look, feel and be fabulous naturally.

Sarah Stacey is an award-winning journalist and TV producer. She is currently Health Editor of the Mail on Sunday YOU Magazine.

Josephine Fairley is a contributing editor to the Mail on Sunday YOU Magazine, where she writes on beauty and organic living. Together they have written The 21st Century Beauty Bible, The Handbag Beauty Bible, The Green Beauty Bible and Beauty Bible Beauty Steals.

The Ultimate Natural Beauty Bible
Simon and Schuster
Authors: Sarah Stacey and Josephine Fairley
ISBN: 9780857832221
RRP: $35.00

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