The Sorceress The Secrets of The Immortal Nicholas Flamel

The Sorceress The Secrets of The Immortal Nicholas Flamel

The Sorceress: The Secrets of The Immortal Nicholas Flamel

The third book in the bestselling fantasy series, packed with high-octane action, compelling twists and dark magic.

New York Times Bestselling series
Over 30,000 copies sold in Australia
Film rights sold to New Line Cinema.

Nicholas Famel's heart almost broke as he watched his belovered Paris crumble before him. The city was destroyed by Dee and Machiavelli, but Flamel played his own role in the destruction. Sophie and Josh Newman show every sign of being the twins of prophecy, and Flamel had to protect them and the pages from the Dark Elders.

But Nicholas grows weaker with each passing day. Perenlle is still trapped in Alcatraz, and now that Scatty has gone missing, the group is without protection. Except for Calrent- the sister sword to Excalibur. But Clarent's power is unthinkable, its evil making it nearly impossible to use without its darkness seeping into the soul of whoever wields it.

If he hopes to defeat Dee, Nicholas must find an Elder who can teach Josh and Sophie the third elemental magic- Water Magic. The problem? The only Elder who can do that is Gilgamesh, and he is quite, quite insane.

This bestselling series for ages 12 and up, has struck a cord with Australian fans of fantasy. Over 30,000 copies of this series have been sold in Australia to date. Not only have Australian readers caught onto the Nicholas Flamel obsession, but the rest of the world has too. The international rights have been sold to over 34 countries, the film rights have been bought by Mark Burnett and New Line Cinema and The Magician and The Alchemyst have both spent time on the New York Times Bestseller lists.

Michael Scott was born in Dublin and began writing eighteen years ago, and has published such diverse works as a critically-acclaimed fantasy trilogy entitled Tales of the Bard, the best-selling historical novel, Seasons, the non-fiction An Irish Herbal, the definitive Irish Folk and Fairy series, and a number of highly successful books for children. He writes for all ages, from very young readers (Fungie and the Magical Kingdom) to teenagers (Judith and the Traveller and Vampyre). Michael was a writer in Residence during Dublin's tenure as European City of Culture in 1991, and has conducted workshops and writing courses in libraries and schools in Ireland and America. He is a Trustee of the Children's Book Trust, sits on the Board of Governors of the Irish Writers Centre and is chairman of the Irish Copyright Licensing Agency.

The Sorceress: The Secrets of The Immortal Nicholas Flamel
Random House Australia
Author: Michael Scott
ISBN: 9780385613132
Price: $29.95




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