Have you ever Googled an ex? Have you ever wondered what happened to the first, the truest and/or the greatest love of your life?
Have you ever wanted to sit down with that person and ask: How often, if ever, do you think of me (and in what context)? Do you have any regrets? What do you think would have happened if we ended up together? Were we soul mates? If so, how could you move on to someone else so quickly, so easily and painlessly with someone else? Have you ever considered how that person would respond if and when you did contact (lets say) her today? With dismissive laughter? A restraining order? Tears of joy?
Lee Robert Schreiber broke up with his girlfriend 25 years ago (primarily because he could not commit to marriage). Hes not precisely sure how encountering her after all this time will bring him closer to, well, closure, but hes tried everything else: long-term relationships; one-night stands; friends of friends; friends of relatives; relatives of friends; friends; relatives; therapy; analysis; recreational medication; professional medication; how-to seminars; self-help literature. And none of it, none of them has brought him close to the depths of affection and intimacy that he felt for this one young girl way back when. Pathetic or Romantic? You make the call. Schreiber made the call (actually he emailed her). This is his (and her) poignant, often hilarious and absolutely true story.