The Fables of Boris

The Fables of Boris

The Fables of Boris

Respected educator and organisational psychologist reveals secret for teaching 100 life skills to kids.

Richard Bellingham, psychologist, applies 40 years of research to help parents cultivate children's character while building healthier families.

Respected organisational psychologist and wellness industry speaker, Richard Bellingham, channels his knowledge of interpersonal communications to create the innovative new children's book, The Fables of Boris.

More than a charming collection of stories, the book is specifically designed to help parents create open and meaningful dialogue with younger children. This is an area with which Bellingham is quite familiar. Having had 30 years of experience in the field of executive education, strategic planning, organisational learning and leadership development, Bellingham is also the father of two children.

"Every day I help businesses create work environments that foster not just continuous innovation, but also happier and healthier relationships between employers and employees," states Bellingham. "The key to this is creating a situation where all parties feel comfortable presenting their ideas, hopes, and fears- this is also important in family relations."

In the process of developing ways to forge better dialogue within business organisations, Bellingham saw that these methods could be adapted to his relationship with his own young children. It was this realisation that lead to The Fables of Boris.

Boris is a fun-loving, fanciful, and quirky dog who learns about life's challenges in the course of his adventures. Throughout the book he interacts with characters representing the many types of people a child might meet throughout their formative years. There are family members, bullies, teachers, and most importantly Zelda- a wise, supportive dog who helps Boris through the pitfalls by allowing him to come up with his own answers. Mirroring the most critical life lessons with which kids are faced, the short tales encompass everything from Boris meeting his new family to Boris facing his own death.

Each of the fifty stories addresses key learning objectives and life skills. Preceding each story is a guide which helps adults prepare for the conversations each story stimulates and gives suggestions on what questions they can ask in order to get the most out of the tale. Moreover, children are able to more easily relate their own similar experiences by using Boris as a voice.

Through the use of these short fables:

  • Children can learn the fundamental skills needed for handling tough life issues
  • Children are provided a safe environment to speak about their personal experiences
  • Parents learn to connect and have more meaningful dialogue with their children
  • Adults can help children take charge of their own learning and growth.

    More than ever, children are being deluged with news or ideological extremism, climate change, poverty and violence. The Fables of Boris is an entertaining and engaging way for parents to give children the tools needed to deal with an increasingly daunting future.

    Richard Bellinghams is the CEO of Iobility, a New Jersey based consulting group, and has been an adjunct faculty member at Harvard University where he co-founded the Forum for Intelligent Organisations. Additionally, he has taught culture change, healthcare management, and leadership development at several universities. Bellingham has worked with executives in over half of the Fortune 100 companies and consulted for over 200 organisations worldwide including AT&T, Johnson and Johnson, IBM, the YMCA and HSBC.

    The Fables of Boris
    Author: Richard Bellinghams


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