The Chocolate Diet
Chocoholics can now start dieting with a weight loss program for those lovers of chocolate and haters of diets.
New to the market, The Chocolate Diet is a meal replacement program that allows you to feed your angel by combining healthy natural foods with the goodness of cocoa rich and satisfying shakes to replace two meals a day, but also indulge your devil with a daily chocolate treat high in polyphenol rich cocoa, nature's new super food.
The Chocolate Diet is endorsed by Dr Lily Stojanovska, world renowned women's health, nutrition and weight loss expert, who has been investigating the link between good quality dark chocolate and good health for many years.
'Too often a weight loss program makes no provision at all for pleasure, making it just that much harder to follow through. The Chocolate Diet approach is to integrate a specific sweet treat into a healthy low carbohydrate, low fat diet that utilises balance nutrition, proper meals and realistic snacks rather than a punishing regime of denial," Lily explains.
The polyphenol rich cocoa used in The Chocolate Diet helps to control your appetite and boost your metabolism by switching on fat burning genes. It's also a rich source of antioxidants and other nutrients that help improve heart function, and stimulates neurotransmitters in your brain that improve general mood and wellbeing.
In addition to the pure high polyphenol cocoa in every shake and treat, The Chocolate Diet is gluten free, naturally high in antioxidants, low in lactose and carbohydrates, and high in protein.
'The Chocolate Diet program can be used for a short time if it's just a few kilos that need to be lost, or you can use it for a longer period of time if there's a more significant weight loss goal. The guide included with the program explains exactly what to eat, when and how much in addition to the shakes and treats," Lily adds.
'The Chocolate Diet program is great news for anyone watching their weight – it will help burn fat and lose weight without feeling hungry. And better still, you get to eat chocolate!" Lily says.
The Chocolate Diet Feeds Your Angel – Indulges Your Devil
The Chocolate Diet promotes healthy eating. It's about doing the things that your inner angel knows is right. It's about eating more of the right things and less of the wrong things.
The Chocolate Diet program incorporates two rich and satisfying chocolate based shakes each day to replace two normal meals. You also eat one other healthy meal each day and choose two tasty and nutritious snacks from the guide included with the program. The Chocolate Diet even gives you a daily treat of 70% cocoa chocolate that science has shown can help satisfy your cravings and control your appetite.
The Chocolate Diet shakes and treats are rich in highly nutritious cocoa that contains polyphenols, a plant chemical that has many weight management benefits – they help regulate the way your body stores fat and control your appetite. It's a powerful antioxidant that helps improve your mood, heart and cholesterol health, and can also lower your blood pressure and help your liver, skin and circulation.
The Chocolate Diet shakes are also high in protein, low in fat and lactose and are gluten free. They contain a number of other unique ingredients that promote excellent health and are highly beneficial for anyone watching their weight including: Whey protein isolate – a highly nutritious dairy protein that helps satisfy hunger and provide nutrients to help tone and shape your body.
Caseinate – a slower digesting dairy protein that stays in your stomach longer to give you a feeling of fullness to help curb your appetite.
Soluble fibre – inulin is a natural fibre that gives you a feeling of fullness. It is also an excellent prebiotic that promotes a healthy digestive tract.
Dairy calcium – this naturally occurring calcium has been linked with higher levels of fat loss and also promotes bone health.
Red grape skin extract – the health benefits of red wine come from the amazing antioxidant properties of red grape skins.
Vitamins and minerals – a full spectrum of vitamins and minerals to support optimum health and vitality.
Finally and most importantly, The Chocolate Diet shakes are low in lactose because they contain no skim milk powder and are gluten free. This is what makes them different to the majority of other diet shake products on the market. It also makes them very gentle on your stomach and digestive system.
The Chocolate Diet treats are real chocolate without the high levels of unhealthy fats and sugar found in milk chocolate. They are lower in kilojoules than milk chocolate and contain 70% high polyphenol cocoa solids. We recommend you enjoy one chocolate treat daily, preferably after your dinner as a reward for sticking to your diet plan, however if your snacking weakness is morning tea or the 3pm munchies then eat your chocolate treat at the best time for you. They have an added benefit of helping curb your appetite which will help you feel satisfied and get you through the snacking danger period.
The Chocolate Diet program recommends you eat six times a day, rather than the traditional three meals. Six smaller meals taken regularly during the day keeps your metabolism far more active, helps keep you feeling satisfied and encourages your body to burn more fat for energy. Two of meals per day will be your Chocolate Diet Shakes. A typical day on The Chocolate Diet will look like this:

*Note: You can move your shakes, meals and snacks around to suit your lifestyle.
Dr Lily Stojanovska DipMLT, BSc, MSc DePaul, PhD UniMelb
For many years, Lily has been involved in medical research and teaching in the area of women's health, wellbeing and nutrition. Lily co-authored the book, The Chocolate Diet, from which the principles have been derived for The Chocolate Diet program. She has also co-authored The Other Fact of Life: Taking Control of Menopause, Menopause for Dummies and Food and Nutrition for Dummies.
She is a founder and Chair of the Women's Wellness in the West Network at Victoria University and her achievements have been listed in the Who's Who of Australian Women in 2006-2010.
She is an active researcher in women's health in particular prevention of chronic disorders: cardiovascular, osteoporosis and diabetes in post-menopausal women. Her expertise also includes the use of complementary and alternative therapy as well as improving women's wellbeing through exercise and dietary intervention.
A Message from Dr Lily Stojanovska If you're like most people – how you feel about yourself often impacts nearly every other part of your life. If your diet is on track and you feel healthy, then the rest of your life seems to follow. That's why it's so important to look after yourself – by eating well, exercising regularly and getting enough rest – these three simple things can make the world of difference in helping you feel better and more in control of your life.
I've been studying women's health for over 20 years and I've seen firsthand that good nutrition is the most effective way to stay healthy and in great shape. If you've made the commitment to get back in control and shape, then The Chocolate Diet can help.
Chocolate on a diet? It sounds too good to be true, but it's really very simple. Too often a weight loss program makes no provision at all for pleasure, making it just that much harder to follow through. The Chocolate Diet approach is to integrate a specific sweet treat into a healthy low carbohydrate, low fat diet that utilises balance nutrition, proper meals and realistic snacks rather than a punishing regime of denial.
Firstly, let's be clear – I'm not just talking about any chocolate. I only recommend dark chocolate products made from high quality cocoa. Science has proven that cocoa has many fantastic health benefits and in fact I discuss these in detail in my book -The Chocolate Diet'. High quality chocolate not only improves your heart health, blood pressure and your overall metabolism, it is also a very effective aid to weight management.
Using this research and approach, we developed The Chocolate Diet program. It's based on a simple, common-sense, proven approach – you eat normal healthy meals and consume a certain amount of good cocoa every day. The minimum amount of high polyphenol cocoa required to get all the health benefits is 25g per day: The Chocolate Diet program gives you 30g per day. Your daily cocoa dose comes in the form of two delicious chocolate shakes and a high cocoa chocolate piece. Indulgent? Yes, but also a practical, healthy and balanced way to lose weight.
Exclusive to Priceline stores and Priceline Pharmacies, The Chocolate Diet is available in two delicious flavours – Belgian Chocolate Indulgence and Chocolate Berry Flambé. The seven-day program package contains 14 shakes (two per day) and seven chocolate treats as a reward.
For more information, visit – there's great recipes that feed your angel, and tips to help indulge your devil.