Supplements for Arthritis Pain

Supplements for Arthritis Pain

Synergistic Ingredients in Flexicose


Glucosamine is technically a form of an amino sugar that plays a major role in cartilage formation and repair. Glucosamine stimulates the production of water-binding glycosaminoglycans and proteoglycans, two essential building blocks of cartilage and also inhibits the production of chondrocytes, enzymes that break down cartilage. Glucosamine also appears to suppress the destructive enzymes collagenase and phospholipase. In effect, supplementing with glucosamine is akin to giving your body the raw materials it needs to rebuild cartilage - but naturally. Glucosamine helps to form tendons, ligaments, cartilage and nails. Glucosamine has so few side effects primarily because it is already a natural component of the body. The only problem with glucosamine is that its natural production in the body seems to fade with time, injury and aging. Supplementing with glucosamine can help replace the deficit and restore the proper glucosamine balance. Flexicose contains pharmaceutical quality liquid glucosamine sulfate and HCL as well as 12 other synergistic ingredients and it is backed by a full 30 day money back guarantee.


Chondroitin Sulfate is a component of cartilage. In molecular terms, it is a gigantic molecule, mainly composed of repeated chains of glucosamine sulfate. Because of this, it functions in a way that is similar to glucosamine. Many of the clinical studies with chondroitin utilized injected forms of chondroitin, something we imagine you would prefer to avoid on a daily basis. Fortunately, because Flexicose is a liquid, our chondroitin sulfate boasts a higher bioavailability than mere solid tablets or capsules, so you do not need as much on a daily basis. Remember that 10 – 20% absorption with pills? The chondroitin, just like the 13 other specially formulated ingredients in every dose of Flexicose helps the Glucosamine work better. For liquids, you should be getting about 120 mg. Because Chondroitin is such a large molecule, even in liquid form you are only likely to get a 5% absorption rate. If you are getting 1200 mg in a liquid you are simply paying extra for something you do not need as much of anyway.


MSM, also known as methylsulfonylmethane, is a major supplier of sulfur, the fourth most abundant mineral in the body. It is related to another sulfur compound, DMSO. In animal studies, joints affected by osteoarthritis have lower sulfur content. Mice with arthritis, when given MSM, experience less joint deterioration. The results of a preliminary double-blind trial stated that patients with osteoarthritis found that MSM reduced pain after six weeks.

Manganese Ascorbate

Manganese is a mineral essential to the formation of connective tissue (such as cartilage). Therefore manganese is extremely helpful in combating Arthritis but there is also evidence that it promotes keeping bones strong and contributing towards the prevention of Osteoporosis.

Aloe Vera

Animal studies show that drinking soothing aloe vera can reduce swelling and inflammation in arthritic joints. It has been used since early recorded history for its first-aid like properties. Aloe Vera is one of the only known natural vegetarian sources of Vitamin B12, and it contains many minerals vital to the healthy function and growth process of all the bodys systems.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Omega 3 Fatty Acids can not be talked about enough when it comes to helping out your entire body as well as dealing with arthritis pain. They reduce inflammation, increase blood flow as well as promote the reduction of Coronary Heart Disease. Omega 3 (EPA and DHA) should be taken everyday even if one does not have arthritis. One should take special note to avoid Omega 6, as there is anecdotal evidence that extra amounts can aggravate arthritis and the average diet is saturated with Omega 6 already. Omega 3 however is generally in short supply.

Boswellia Serrata (Boswellin)

Boswellia is probably best for Rheumatoid Arthritis, but due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it is also effective for Osteoarthritis. Boswellia inhibits pro-inflammatory mediators in the body, such as leukotrienes. Research indicates that long-term use of Boswellia, as opposed to NSAIDs, does not appear to cause irritation or ulceration of the stomach.


This particular form of vitamin B3 may enhance glucocorticoid secretion, a naturally produced anti-inflammatory adrenal hormone. In clinical trials, it has clearly been more effective than placebo and it has very promising effects for arthritis. William Kaufman, M.D. published detailed observations on many of his patients with osteoarthritis who took niacinamide. He documented improvements in joint function, range of motion, increased muscle strength and endurance.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin needed for the repair and growth of tissues in all parts of the body. Vitamin C is essential for the repair and maintenance of cartilage and bones as well as healing of wounds. It is essential to form collagen, an important protein used to make tendons, cartilage, ligaments, skin, blood vessels, and scar tissue. It also acts as an antioxidant to offset the damage of free radicals.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A plays an important role in bone formation and may also help to reduce the symptoms of Osteoarthritis. It is also a potent antioxidant and is needed to promote healthy bone development. Low Vitamin A may lead to reduced bone mass and consequently osteoporosis.

Vitamin E

Another antioxidant, Vitamin E may be helpful in both the prevention of and the treatment of Osteoarthritis (pain relief and increased joint mobility). Vitamin E was tested against a NSAID (diclofenac) and was found to be equally as effective. Vitamin E also has many antioxidant properties.


Bromelaine may be as effective as the NSAIDS, for pain reduction. It may also help with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Use over time may also help with connective tissue disorders. It also appears to have anti-inflammatory properties.


According to the study “Yucca plant saponin in the management of arthritis” (J Appl Nutr 1975;27:45–50) there is evidence that Yucca can aid in Osteo and Rheumatoid arthritis. Yucca may work by blocking the release of intestinal toxins that inhibit normal formation of cartilage.

Only Flexicose brings together this unique blend of 14 arthritis fighting ingredients that includes Glucosamine, Chondroitin, MSM and our unique Flexibility Complex™ into a pleasant liquid form. Why settle for anything less? You deserve better. Get started with Flexicose now..

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If you are looking for a glucosamine supplement for arthritis or joint pain, I personally recommend Flexicose for all of your joint pain and arthritis related problems. It is truly the best formula available on the market today for humans, athletes and even pets! I highly suggest you learn more about it.

Flexicose, the liquid joint complex, is a combination of 14 synergistic ingredients that includes pharmaceutical quality glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM, omega 3, manganese and niacinamide. Unlike most glucosamine formulas, Flexicose includes a proprietary 7-ingredient Flexibility Complex™ in every serving. In addition, Flexicose is a liquid, which means much higher absorption and bioavailability than any tablet or capsule. Try getting any of those benefits from any other high-quality or “no-name” glucosamine supplement. The makers of Flexicose, DTC Health, Inc., are so sure you can’t, they even offer you a full 30 day return policy if you are unsatisfied. Lastly, Flexicose is affordable, around 90 cents a day…less than a morning cup of coffee! Even shipping is free! Learn more about Flexicose now


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