Lee Holmes 2017 Health Trends Interview

Lee Holmes 2017 Health Trends Interview

Lee Holmes 2017 Health Trends Interview

As you know, diet and nutrition trends are just as changeable as fashion trends. This year saw the rise of Bone Broth, pre biotics instead of pro biotics, matcha lattes and the link between the gut and brain.

We expect 2017 to be even bigger with increasing amounts of Aussies starting to become more health conscious. Younger Aussies are becoming more concerned about everything from food ingredients, genetically modified food to organic foods than previous generations – which has seen the rise of healthy and clean eating and supplementation.

Interview with Lee Holmes, health and nutrition coach, SOUTHERNATURE ambassador and author of Supercharged Food

Question: What do you think the biggest health trends for 2017 will be?

Lee Holmes: I think 2017 will be the year of the veggie chip! Say goodbye to our potato and kale friends and hello to baked carrot chips, parsnip chips and many more! Another big thing to come through for health in 2017 is intermittent fasting. I'm a firm believer in reducing your calories for 2 days a week for a lifetime of health benefits.

Another trend I think will surface this year is supplementation – more and more Australians are reaching for quality natural supplements to support optimal health and wellbeing. I recommend (and take myself) Southernature products. I'm a big fan of Southernature's Good Night Sleep Herbal Formula and take it most nights before I go to sleep, especially when I'm feeling wired after a long day. It's free of all nasties and has one of my favourite ancient ingredients passionflower, famous for curing restlessness and insomnia.

I also think bush foods will be making an appearance in 2017. Bush foods include ingredients like wattle seeds, kakadu plums, lemon myrtle – they're really beautiful to use. I think chefs are tapping into them and then we will see a lot more of them in our everyday eating habits.

Question: Will Bone Broth continue to be big in health?

Lee Holmes: Definitely! Bone broth has been used for years because of its healing benefits, and I know its popularity will continue for many years to come.

Question: And will we see matcha offered in more cafes?

Lee Holmes: I think matcha will be offered in more cafes along with other fabulous teas, like dandelion tea! The world is waking up to the wonderful powers of teas and I'm loving it. My anti-inflammatory toddy is a wonderful tea which people are really embracing; you can find the recipe here: http://www.superchargedfood.com/blog/autumn/anti-inflammatory-toddy/

Question: Will we find more Australians choosing organic foods in 2017?

Lee Holmes: As the years go by, more and more people are seeing and understanding the benefits of choosing organic foods. I think 2017 will see a HUGE increase in Australians opting for organic produce.

Question: What fresh food produce should we buy organic?

Lee Holmes: Meat, fish, berries, apples, cucumbers, grapes and celery are just some of the fresh produce that should be bought organic due to their high levels of pesticides and additives.

Question: Do you think we'll welcome more meat-free-meals in 2017?

Lee Holmes: I do think veg will take centre stage in 2017 and meat, as much as I do love it, will be more of an extra or side dish. With more veggie-friendly restaurants opening around Australia, more people are learning to love their vegetables (yay!).

Question: What upcoming trends are supported by research?

Lee Holmes: I'm a firm believer in low intensity exercise for mental well-being and believe 2017 will be the year of yoga, nature walks and ocean swims (insert collective sigh of relief here). We all need some downtime and stress-relief. I am a huge believer in the power of negative ions from nature, especially in the technologically charged environment we live in today. There's some interesting research about the link between negative ions and brain serotonin. https://www.negativeiongenerators.com/negativeionsresearch.html

Question: What five ingredients did you use more, this year?

Lee Holmes: This year I've been loving turmeric, ginger, tahini, bone broths and of course, greens (even though I love them every year)!

Interview by Brooke Hunter


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