Spring is known for many things – warmer weather, fresh flowers, longer days – and most importantly, cleaning. It's also the season to declutter, re-organise, mop, polish, sort and vacuum every nook and cranny of your home, which is why it's The Organised Housewife's favourite season.
'Throwing away unwanted items, donating used clothes and toys and tidying up your living areas is a great way to increase space, decrease anxiety and stress, encourage creativity, boost your mood and welcome the new season in a positive and meaningful way," says The Organised Housewife founder Katrina Springer.
'It is an annual reminder that should be celebrated, rather than dreaded."
Here are some of Katrina's tips to help you get started with your spring cleaning:
Clean windows for a healthy house
Chances are this winter your windows were mostly closed, so it's a good idea to clean away any dust and dirt that's built up on the window sills, blinds and windows. It's best to do this before you start opening those windows and all the dirt blows into the house.
Wash the washing machine
Have you ever washed your washing machine? Sounds funny but it too collects a lot of dust, dirt and grime, therefore needing a regular clean to ensure your clothes are always clean and smelling fresh. You can start by soaking the softener dispenser in warm water to help remove any soap scum. While empty, put the washing machine through a hot temperature full cycle. Add a good splash of vinegar (1 cup) as it fills, as this kills all the bacteria and takes away any unpleasant smells.Organise your pantry
To encourage healthy eating habits tidy up the pantry in preparation for the summer months by sorting like foods together. Label containers for easy identification. I love to use the Avery home labelling range as not only are they functional, but stylish to match the kitchen décor. Also, check expiry dates to reduce food waste. Create a weekly meal plan to use up all the left-over winter foods such as soups, canned food for casseroles, etc.
Declutter your kitchen cupboards
During winter we use big pots and pans, slow cookers, etc. If you don't use these in the warmer months store them away so your cupboards are less cluttered and you can reach what you need with ease.
Clean behind your fridge
I must admit I never cleaned behind my fridge in my old house, it just didn't occur to me. When we moved, I was horrified. There was so much dust and dirt build up. From that day, I knew this was one task I would never neglect again.
Have a fashion parade – This is the perfect time of year to sort through the kids' clothes (and yours), hand down or donate those that no longer fit them, store away winter woolies and tidy up their cupboards. It's a good idea to label the clothes you want to put away or even donate or hand down with the age they relate to, for example 1-2 years etc. This will help you identify things in the cupboard more easily and Avery's multi-use writable labels make the job too easy.