


If Shannon Lush is the 'sensei of stains' then Dr Bronwen Scott is the Pied Piper of pests!

This is a useful little book filled with helpful advice about how to recognise and deal with the critters that share our living spaces.

Australian homes and backyards are abuzz with wildlife: possums in the roof, ants in the cupboard, frogs in the pond and spiders hanging from windows and racing across walls. There are ticks on the dog, fleas on the cat and nits in the children's hair. When the bandicoots are digging up the lawn, the cockatoos have peeled the flashing off the roof and a bird is trying to mate with the car window reach for Spineless, a useful little book that will help you identify the pests (and pals) that share you home and will show you how to cultivate the good guys while banishing those pesky or downright alarming house guests. Even if you don't know your slaters from your centipedes this book will help you:

  • Quickly identify your resident critter with a drawing
  • Help you determine if it is indeed a pesky pest, or a useful pal
  • Safely, humanely, and environmentally remove a pest if needed
  • Cultivate more of the good guys in your garden or household
  • Perform simple first aid on you, a pet or plant if needed.

    In the wake of the hugely successful, Spotless, this inexpensive reference book will change your backyard and your life!

    Dr Bronwen Scott is an invertebrate zoologist at Victoria Univeristy, Melbourne. She is an inveterate blogger, a talented science communicator and writes with a lightness and ease which is rare among those in her discipline.
    Scott has studied invertebrates for more than 25 years as a university lecturer, museum worker and science illustrator. Her research has taken her from the rainforests of North Queensland to the deserts of central Australia… and the compost heap in her own backyard.

    A species of rare, spider-like arachnid from Queensladn has been named in her honour. Bronwen lives in Melbourne with a garden full of insects, slaters and snails.

    Allen and Unwin
    Author: Dr Bronwen Scott
    Price: $19.99


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