Smart Couples Guide to Money

Smart Couples Guide to Money
Smart Couples Guide to Money is a step-by-step, hands-on guide for couples who ant to establish financial goals and turn them into reality. it will show you both how to:
  • better understand your money behaviour and attitudes, and learn to work effectively together.
  • make the most of your combined forces as a couple by learning to set and achieve goals, and plan for your financial future.
  • build a 'Financial Dream Team' of experts and mentors.
  • take charge of your finances by developing a budget, getting your savings in order and organising yourselves for tax time.
  • dispel the myths around managing life's events - travel, weddings, children and purchasing a home - so that they don't manage you!


    Gay Curtis is MoneySmart. She believes passionately that couples, if they put their minds to it (as well as a little time and effort), have an amazing power to achieve their dreams! Gay continues to inspire people through her successful book Smart Girls Guide to Money and her MoneySmart program.

    Simone Tregeagle is Ink Communications and is a communications professional, freelance writer and editor. Simone brings her personal experiences in 'coupledom' to the book and is equally passionate about empowering couples to believe in themselves.

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