Lilly O'Gorman Windermere's Adventure Challenge Interview

Lilly O'Gorman Windermere's Adventure Challenge Interview

Lilly O'Gorman Windermere's Adventure Challenge Interview

Lilly O'Gorman is push-biking around Cambodia in June, 2011 to raise money for Windermere Child and Family Services. Windermere support local families in crisis. Lilly aims to raise $5,500 through a variety of fundraisers and via

Interview with Lilly O'Gorman

Question: Why did you choose to participate in the Windermere's Adventure Challenge - Cambodia 2011?

Lilly O'Gorman: I chose to participate after my boss mentioned he was doing it. It just sounded really exciting and a fantastic way to explore Cambodia. Opportunities like this don't come up every day so I knew I had to grab it! I have done a bit of volunteer work in the past, but nothing to this scale - both the physical aspect and the sheer amount of money I need to raise - so it'll be interesting to take up the challenge and see how I go.

Question: What does the Windermere's Adventure Challenge - Cambodia 2011 involve?

Lilly O'Gorman: There are 21 people involved in our Adventure Challenge group, and we each have to raise $5000 towards the group's fundraising goal. On the 18th of June we will all travel to Cambodia for eight days. For five days we will be cycling through Cambodia for between five and seven hours each day, all up covering 310km on our bikes. The remaining two days of our trip will be spent at the 'New Hope for Cambodian Children's Orphanage' reading and writing with the children and helping with construction of the library.

Question: How many other volunteers do you have in your team for the Windermere's Adventure Challenge?

Lilly O'Gorman: 21 participants, including me.

Question: How are you physically training for the event?

Lilly O'Gorman: I am cycling on the weekends, slowly building up the distance. I'm also doing some group rides with the rest of the team and registering for the Melbourne Summer Cycle (which raises money for MS research). Luckily my housemate is a keen bike rider so we are planning early morning rides before work too. I hope my butt gets used to my training schedule soon!

Question: What types of fundraising are you doing to get to your $5,500 fundraising goal?

Lilly O'Gorman: My first fundraiser is a sausage sizzle at my local hardware store. I am planning a wine and cheese night, a trivia night and a fundraising gig. I am very lucky to have a lot of support from my family and friends. It is definitely a big, group effort and there is no way I would be able to reach my goal without their help.

Question: If people are unable to attend your fundraising events, how can they donate?

Lilly O'Gorman: People can also sponsor me by visiting

Question: Can you talk a bit about Windermere and their aim?

Lilly O'Gorman: Windermere works with families in crisis and helps them rebuild their lives, through the work of social workers, psychologists, early childhood experts, family therapists and welfare workers. Specifically, Windermere may find them a place to live, help them survive the aftermath of a serious crime, teach them how to manage family violence, or help a family to care for a disabled child, nurture and support a child that has been abused or neglected.

Interview by Brooke Hunter


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